[center] [color=red][h1]Shannon Vista[/h1][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/ffr/images/2/28/LindseyStirling.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140215042147[/img] [i][color=red]”In silence there is music, in music there is life, in life there are answers.”[/color][/i] [/center] [b]Age: 18[/b] [b]Gender: Trans-female[/b] [b]Sexual Orientation:Pansexual[/b] [center][color=000000][h1]Personality[/h1][/color][/center] [b]Positive Traits: •musically gifted •Good with Science •if she trusts you, she is very reliable[/b] [b]Negative Traits: •Doesn’t speak up •Wall flower •untrusting of people[/b] [b]Likes: •Loves all music, but her favorite is Heavy rock and EDM •Books •Video Games[/b] [b]Dislikes: •Coffee •Religious Zealots •Fake Friends •Closed minded people[/b] Complete the following test to the best of your ability. Look at the two words, on a scale of one to ten (With one being on the left, ten on the right and 5 being neutral) how closely do you identify with the following words: [center] Extroverted [b]6[/b] Introverted Lazy [b]7[/b] Active Greedy [b]8[/b] Generous Sensing [b]7[/b] Intuition Shy [b]4[/b] Outgoing Sarcastic [b]5[/b] Silly Thinker [b]3[/b] Feeler Sloppy [b]2[/b] Neat Clumsy [b]3[/b] Graceful Judging [b]9[/b] Perceiving Hotheaded [b]7[/b] Calm Lifeless [b]5[/b] Energetic Grouchy [b]7[/b] Nice Passive [b]3[/b] Aggressive Low-Self Esteem [b]3[/b] Confident Serious [b]5[/b] Playful Sensitive [b]3[/b] Unemotional Absent Minded [b]6[/b] Focused Naive [b]8[/b] Experienced Easy-Going [b]4[/b] Hard-Headed Clueless [b]7[/b] Observant Childish [b]6[/b] Mature Weak [b]5[/b] Strong Safe [b]5[/b] Risk-Taker Coward [b]5[/b] Brave Nondrinker [b]7[/b] Alcoholic Good [b]5[/b] Evil Idiot [b]7[/b] Genius Un-flirty [b]4[/b] Flirty Perverted [b]4[/b] Unperverted Un-creative [b]9[/b] Creative Sexual [b]4[/b] Pure Disloyal [b]10[/b] Loyal Negative [b]9[/b] Positive Unromantic [b]10[/b] Hopeless-Romantic Envious [b]5[/b] Satisfied [/center] [center][color=red]History: Shannon grew up in a rural Texas town as Vance. Ever since Vance was little he always knew he was different than other boys his age. He loved dresses and makeup while the other boys liked football and cars. As he got older he knew he had to suppress those thoughts. But at the age of 14 Vance attempted suicide because he couldn't live the lie anymore. After intense therapy he finally came out of the closet and began his transition into Shannon. When his friends found out they were not thrilled, trying to goad Vance into killing himself again. His parents decided to move as soon as Vance finished becoming Shannon. Two years later Shannon and family finally arrived at Pineridge, the now young woman still has some deep trust issues, but being the newest girl she still made a couple of friends. She is third in class.[/color][/center] [b]Family Members: Mark Vista, 48, father, bank manager Veronica Vista, 45, mother, art historian Jack Vista, 14, brother, professional pain in ass[/b]