[center]Kel - Kanna Astorian's Estate[/center] Riches were something that the Astorians generally had in abundance. Kanna was less wealthy than many of her peers such as her cousin Marvis but she had means available to her and enough sense to keep aloof of reckless affairs. Things were about to change though. Plans were coming into motion that would break the foundation of the government. Well, possibly. There was the chance it may have the opposite effect but either way it would eliminate a weakness from Kel's society. Kanna's chambers weren't so prestigious looking as Marvis'. The most prominent fixtures were a fireplace, a large desk and a wall-sized landscape painting behind her seat. Various equipment and tools were lined along the walls as well as a few book cases. She was practical in her decorations. Knocking came at the door. Kanna cleared her throat and responded. "Come in." An eld with white hair walked in, one of Kanna's [i]orphans[/i] before standing sideways at the door in attendance to the real guest. Following him was arguably the ugliest eld around, hood drawn over his head, red eyes bugging out and head bald. "Vetch. Retrieval went well I take it?" Kanna addressed. Vetch pulled his hood back in respect and bowed deeply. "Of course, m'lady." He answered. Unfurling his jacket with one arm, he retrieved a sack of some of kind of dust from his inner pocket. "Courtesy of Finnick." Approaching Kanna's desk, Vetch placed the tightly bound sack carefully down on the surface. Kanna beamed at him. "Ever the darling, Vetch. I knew I could count on you." She lifted the sack with a manicured hand to test its weight. Once she was satisfied she set to work on opening it. Pulling a drawer on the desk open she withdrew a small, purple pouch and scooped some of the contents of the sack out. Getting a good whiff of the powder she cringed and turned away. "As I'd only imagined this smells awful." She commented, sealing the little, purple pouch with a small leather cord. She placed it on the desk's edge and motioned Vetch to it. "I'm happy you acquired this for me, dear Vetch. Now I need you to test it." The ugly eld bowed his head and smiled, only half of his face moving to smirk. It seemed he was happy to find himself even remotely useful. "What task would you have me do to test it?" He asked. Kanna lifted her hand into the air and examined the top while she explained. "I need to find out if Finnick really delivered what I need. Black market incense isn't easy to get. Especially not Grimkin Bait." She smiled innocently at Vetch. "Take this in a ship south of Kell. You know how, ever so reliable Vetch." She complimented. "Once you're there I want you to test it by throwing the dust into a fire. The alchemists in Marrenfall made this concoction with a variety herbs. Fire causes that to become airborne and drives the Grim and their relatives into a frenzy to get to its source. If this works it will gather the Grim just south of Kell in a frenzied pack and prepare us for the next step." Her smile deepened into a sinister grin. "We'll be able to awaken the citizens to a danger they've nearly forgotten behind these walls." Vetch graciously picked the pouched from the table corner and put it in his jacket. "At your will, m'lady, the world will better." He turned away and walked toward the door. "Oh, and Vetch." Kanna asked. "Don't be on the shore when the Grim arrive." She snickered a little. "It would be a travesty to lose my dear Vetch." Vetch nodded to her and walked out the door. The [i]orphan[/i] attendant bowed and followed after, closing the door on the way out. Leaning into the chair, Kanna tipped her head straight back to stare at the painting. "One step at a time." ______________________________________________________________ [center]Jillaian Sea - South of Kel[/center] Vetch focused on his job, spelling the already gathered water and mist by turning it into a shroud to obscure the smuggler dingy that carried him out of Kel. The captain remained at the helm as well as several of his crew. It was a small operation but the pay to them was decent. They would be able to come ashore soon if all went well.