[center][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/311115421211107734/1E360C218C3604C548397EF6FA7CC38FF7D829B3/[/img] [h2][i]"A gracious greeting to those viewing my interest check."[/i][/h2][/center] Before we begin, just want to lay down some ground rules: [list] [*] 18+ only. There might be some mature themes but absolutely no smut. Romance is fine but should not be the focus. [*] If would like romance to be a part of it: MxF or FxF only [*] All posts will be in a thread on the site. [*] Quality over quantity please, but try to at least write a paragraph each time. [*] For fandoms: No canon characters. [*] Post frequently or tell me when you are busy. I will understand. [*] If you want to try a different topic or don't want to RP anymore, please say so. [/list] Now for the roleplays that I would like to do. There a few fandom and a couple ideas I want to try. [h3]Fandoms[/h3] [list] [*] [b]X-COM[/b] > Our characters will be new soldiers recruited to the XCOM Project a year before the invasion kicks off. "XCOM: The Long War" and "XCOM: The X-files" will be the primary sources that I will reference. The story will consist of investigating alien activity and stopping alien cover operations. [*] Fallout [*] [b]Muv-luv[/b] [*] Star Wars (Clone Wars Era) [*] Mass Effect [*] [b]Mech-Warrior[/b] [*] Fire-emblem [*] Re:Zero [*] Darling in the Franxx [*] Girls: Frontline [*] Nioh [*] Halo [*] Extinction Horizon [*] Azur Lane [*] [b]Valkyria Chronicles[/b] [*] Overlord [*] SAO [*] Konosuba [/list] [h3]Custom Stories[/h3] [list] [*] [u][i][b]Dragon Island[/b][/i][/u] > Concept: Dragons were nearly hunted to extinction by roaming dragon-slayers and the expanding kingdoms of men. A secret organization of mages along with supporters escorted the remaining dragons to a large island sanctuary. Once there, the mages erected a barrier hiding the it and nearby islands. Five hundred years have passed and the population of dragons have begun to recover. A wicked dragon has stirred up the peace of the island and wishes to take it over with a slowly building group of followers of mostly dragons. [*] [u][i][b]Modern Magic Academy[/b][/i][/u] > Concept: The world was nearly destroyed when a war between nations went nuclear. Mages, long since in hiding, revealed their existence to the world and stopped the missiles by projecting a large force-field around them and containing the fallout. Instead of stopping the war, a much worse threat emerged. The energy of the nuclear explosions combined with the magic field created a tear between dimensions. Abominations of all kinds emerged through the new portal, tearing into Central America. It was only thanks to the Mages that they were able to push them back and temporarily close the tear. Magic was recognized by the world and several large academies were constructed, all with the intent of training mages to combat this new extra-dimensional threat. [/list] If anything of those topics interest you, or you want to suggest something to me, please send me a PM! I'm more than willing to try any suggestions you might have! I just want to have some fun writing an awesome story with a awesome person!