[quote=@Mara] I was actually making the point that Sharknado isn't like other disaster movies, so if you've seen 4 then you never really have seen them all, unless one of those 4 moves was Sharknado. Imo the first one was kinda good but it's less funny when a b-movie is actively striving to be a b-movie. What made Asylum Productions' other movies so-bad-it's-good was how unaware they were of their own lacking quality. Now they're shitty SyFy movies that are [i]trying to be[/i] shitty SyFy movies. It just makes them boring. Fateful Findings is the greatest movie of All Time because Real Human Neil Breen thought he was genuinely making a masterpiece. dont even think about coming for machete kills though fuck you [/quote] I agree with you on the Real Human Breen. The first Sharknado [b]was[/b] actively trying to be a b-movie. I feel that the only reason why it was postively received because of the abysmally low expectations for Asylum were exceeded when they attempted something (kind of) original. They found a 'formula' and like you said just kept making more try-hard bad movies and they got worse and worse. But all those movies including the first one are shit and they bring nothing to the disaster genre outside of reminding people that Tara Reid does exist outside of the early 2000s. Machete Kills is shit, but it's not uniquely shit, its just what happens when people take the whole 'ironic grindhouse' thing too far. The aesthetic of Death Proof and Planet Terror 'double feature' exploitation throwback, lead to too many intentionally bad movies that basically everyone involved regrets. Machete Kills really wanted cult status and it never got it, it's bad at being bad. Speaking of poor movies that people think are good because everyone expected them to be worse, Wonder Woman showed that any good acting by Gal Gadot is largely by accident.