Meesei could not help but to laugh. "I just knew you would have [i]something[/i] to say about that. Well, I will be looking forward to it. Hopefully we can find the time sometime soon." [hr] Despite completing their most important tasks leading up to the invasion, it still took about a week before anyone in the pack was able to carry out any of the plans they had made. Meesei still had to meet a few more times with the Empire's Legate General, as well as Teroiah, and introduce Ri'vashi to the both of them. Fortunately, once they were acquainted, Meesei merely had the task of teleporting Ri'vashi to the right places so she could handle the more detailed military planning. As for the rest of the pack, they still had their normal responsibilities, from which they would need to prepare to be absent. As they had planned beforehand, Janius, Kaleeth, and Julan were going to join Sabine in traveling to Thorn, then make their own way to the likely location of Kaleeth's former tribe. She knew roughly where they would be, but expected to be away for at least a few days. Sabine, of course, could return home at will, but would need to check back in Thorn each day to see if they had returned. They were all finally able to coordinate their free time together, so they would be leaving within a few hours. It was early in the morning, a few hours before the group intended to leave, when Meesei knocked on Sabine's door. She had been able to pull herself away from her responsibilities as well, so she felt it would be a perfect chance to spend some time with her.