[center][h1]The World Undone[/h1][/center] [hider=Orders] - Posting IC will be immensely beneficial to you as a player. It is, however, not necessary. This is designed so that you can still send in your orders if you are too busy to post, but posting IC will provide a tangible bonus to your DRM (Die Roll Modifier). - Each [b]Turn[/b] represents one In-Game Month. The player will submit [b]3 Orders[/b]. - Each order is then subject to a 1d6 roll. A 6 means a perfect execution and a 1 means a horrible failure. Posting IC gives you a +2 die roll to a single order, or a +1 die roll to all three. [Specified at the end of your IC post.]. This means that more active players are rewarded. - [b]Orders[/b]: * [b][color=yellow]Economic[/color][/b]: An order designed to benefit the nation economically. * [b][color=red]Military[/color][/b]: An order designed to affect your military. * [b][color=green]Diplomacy[/color][/b]: An order designed to conduct diplomacy. * [b][color=blue]Imperialism[/color][/b]: Exploring and developing new lands. * [b][color=gold]Conference[/color][/b]: Used to call a [i]Political[/i] or [i]Military[/i] Conference. Select which nations to invite. Begins a [b]Conference[/b]. (See PM for rules). * [b][color=gray]Attempt Invention[/color][/b]: Used to attempt a new invention. Must be relevant to current technologies and success depends on a 1d6. Great Powers receive a +1.[/hider][hider=Tensions] 1. [b]Kingdom of Cadia[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Kingdom of Etelia[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Cydernian Republic[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Melgaria[/b] 2. [b]Empire of Tyria[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Republic of Escya[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Cydernian Republic[/b] - 4 / 5 Tensions with [b]Helrox Empire[/b] 3. [b]Helrox Empire[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Republic of Escya[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Holy Empire of Vigentino[/b] 4. [b]Toubrés Empire[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Kingdom of Etelia[/b] [/hider][hider=World Maps][center][Img]https://i.imgur.com/N8TTthX.png[/img] [i]Eurania and Faresia, 1905[/i][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wM70lU6.png[/img] [i]The Fifth Continent, 1905[/i][/center][/hider] [hr][hr] [center][i]July, 1905[/i][/center] [b][h3]July 16[/h3][/b] [indent]The [b][color=brown]Kingdom of Cadia[/color][/b] dispatched the following communiqué to the [b][color=crimson]Helrox Empire[/color][/b]: [hider=The Roy Ultimatum][i]Dear Kaiser of Helrox, King Roy Carl demands the following. [b]Article I[/b]: Cede fifty miles of Helrox land along the Cadia-Helrox border immediately, along with it's population & infastructure unharmed and unmolested. [b]Article II[/b]: After cedeing fifty rightful miles to Cadia, move your army sixty miles away from our new border as we make home to our old home. Helroxian owned Cadian Birth land. [b]Article III[/b]: Recognize the land formerly held by your country as Cadian land, issue a personal apology for taking and holding our land for so long. Failure to adhere to these articles will result in immediate invasion. Regards, Camreon Graham - Cadian Foriegn Affairs Minister[/i][/hider][/indent][b][h3]July 17th[/h3][/b][indent]The next day, the Tyrians and Cadians negotiated the following agreement: [hider=Tyro-Cadian Agreement] Diplomatic: Send Camereon Graham foriegn affairs minister to Tyria proposing the following Article I: Both the Tyrian Empire & Cadian Kingdom are to enter a defensive military pact ending at July 1st 1907. Article II: Cadia request to purchase 100,000 artillery shells, 100 Melhorn S55 guns and 500,000 rounds of rifle ammo from Tyrian arms industry. Article II: Cadia requests immediate military advisors & trainers for infantry and artillery operations.[/hider] The Tyrians rejected both Article I and Article II but agreed to dispatch military advisers to the Cadian government to begin training their military.[/indent][h3][b]July 19th[/b][/h3][indent]Two days following the end of the [b]June 5th Offensive[/b], [b]Operation Mystic[/b] begins with a counter-offensive by the [b]2nd Field Army[/b]. Following a six hour long bombardment that saw over 6,000 shells fired, 80,000 infantry began surging forward, with the [b]4. Infanterie Division[/b] and the [b]Itheraen Volunteer Guard Division[/b] attempting to close the Helroxi salient of a wounded and fatigued Helroxi Army Group and encircle them completely. [center][img]https://europebetweeneastandwest.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/germans-and-austro-hungarian-force-on-the-move-during-the-gorlice-tarnow-offensive.jpg[/img] [i]Tyrian soldiers on the move during Operation Mystic, July, 1905[/i][/center][/indent][b][h3]July 20th[/h3][/b][indent]In the [b][color=blue]Toubrés Empire[/color][/b], the garrison of several Toubrian regions is to be increased. In the political strongholds of the [i]Partido Liberal[/i], the garrison is to be increased by 750 each. The soldiers are to be supplied with batons and shields of sheet metal, ordered to respond to and subdue any political or civil unrest, such as riots. If there are protests, then they are merely to observe and keep the peace, only moving in to subdue any parts of the protest that become violent. In Amzores, the garrison is increased by 1500, and given the same orders. An MP of [i]Partido Liberal[/i] was lauded for a speech in the National Assembly, saying "[i]It is apparent that the Empress preys on our insecurities of civil discourse and a constitutional right to hold protest against an incompetent government. Nay! Instead, she has leashed the dogs and planned to put down those who might say, 'no, the Empress is not perfect.' I implore you, all of you, let not this behavior become the norm, lest she decides next to place armed soldiers at the ballot box![/i]" The speech was printed in local newspapers and while these soldiers were now garrisoned and would almost certainly put down any violence--confidence and approval in the Toubrian government continued to fall, now sliding to 68%.[/indent][b][h3]July 21st[/h3][/b][indent]On July 21st, the merchant vessel carrying 31 Illesian military advisers--24 army, 7 naval--arrives in Helrox. Surprisingly, no Tyrian ships were met during the journey. The military advisers would arrive in Flegleen on July 24th.[/indent][b][h3]July 22nd[/h3][/b][indent]The [b][color=crimson]Helrox Empire[/color][/b] requests the building of five [i]Dynis[/i]-class destroyers and two [i]Bolshoii[/i]-class light cruisers, all of which are laid down on this day. The total cost is expected to be $650,000, money which must be printed up due to the Helrox's crippling debt. The first bouts of starvation in Flegleen is seen and 5,500 conscripts in training go AWOL. The first [b]Starvation Riots[/b] begin in Flegleen, 15,000 factory workers marching in the streets in protest to the government. Given that there was no Flegleen garrison, in 24 hours the riots destroyed nearly $400,000 in property and the Flegleen Provincial Police were hard pressed to put the protesters down. [center][img]https://thumbs-prod.si-cdn.com/1Rq5vLW-yJxK5Ek4S3_GHc8LWg8=/800x600/filters:no_upscale()/https://public-media.smithsonianmag.com/filer/83/90/83905669-ed8d-423d-b987-6f70987f7490/tdih-march08-hd.jpg[/img] [i]Flegleen Starvation Riots, July 1905[/i][/center][/indent]