Birthday celebrations went well, there was much eating of cake and just generally slobbing out and watching movies together XD As to the post and the direction they could go in next, some thoughts! :D - Up to you whether they have a clear run through to the Academy or encounter more difficulties first, I don't remember the exact order of the Malachor stuff so I don't remember whether the tunnels were before or after/within the Academy! ^^; - I DO recall Meetra, in game, experiencing some visions of her involvement in the Mandalorian Wars and having to re-enact them as part of some sort of trial or something, during her journey to pursue Kreia. Might be interesting to have something similar happen to our heroes as they get into or closer to the Academy? Whether they experience more visions of Meetra and Revan or of themselves and their pasts could be up for debate (some other, hidden clues towards the whereabouts of Meetra/Revan hidden in amongst said visions either way, perhaps? ;) but it might be a nice call back/parallel to Act I when they had the visions and such during their True Sith trials? =P - Also, did we discuss where they would be led to next in their quest to find the legendary duo? I believe we mentioned something about the Rakata being involved, so perhaps the natural next stop would be Lehon/the Rakata homeworld? As always, just spit balling and thoughts and ideas are welcome XD