You people thought I forgot, didn't you? Well, shame on you for being right. Damn bronchitis... [b]The Weekly Post Check[/b]. At this point, I think introducing the concept of what this is has become a bit redundant, so let's get things out of the way now - [@Inkarnate], [@Afro Samurai], and [@GreenGrenade] have all informed me that they still intend to partake in the game, so I'm going to be lenient on them and give all three an extra week to play catch-up despite being over the limit. After that, they'll always be free to re-apply as their characters, no muss, no fuss. But I can only do this so many times, so I only ask that if you can't post, at least be open about your participation level as they have. That's all I really need to know to still count you as in. As Byrd said in a recent post, if you're silent and go over, you're immediately out. Okay. Now onto the others. [u][b]7 Days Left (7 To Go)[/b][/u] [@Nightrunner] [@Lord Wraith] Annnd... that's it. A fantastic improvement on last week, and I'm happy that productivity is up again. Keep up the good work. As for Wraith and Nightrunner, who I see have promised to get posts up in the near future... I'd recommend doing just that. [IMG][/IMG]