Alright, suppose there's enough of an interest to gather up a posse. First to address some initial stuff: I got two plot ideas which may change gameplay depending how you guys handle it. Firstly as Serath mentioned, I could rehash the original plot where you're all basically adventurers going into a dungeon delve for reasons related to yourself. you might not even be together as a group, and frankly I would expect PvP to occur for whatever reasons that seem logical for you. In terms of plot there is something of a secret within the ruins, but otherwise it's much more character driven; that is to say the only reason anything happens is because you as a player are going out of your way to make something happen. The second prompt is what I call "classic fantasy" in that one or all of you have been selected to journey forth on a quest that shall ultimately end with you vanquishing some sort of evil. Now I dislike being the type of GM who says you can't be an evil person, but at the same time this plot does not bold well for you types who would feel compelled to do evil or otherwise have a motive outside of the scoop of stopping the evil that threatens you/your loved ones/the world. Additionally, it's also not the type of plot that specifically would reward you for being evil, such as killing merchants so you can steal their goods or general murder hobo shenanigans. That being said I only mention this because you may not be rewarded as well as you'd wish, and of course there is consequences, but you're free to do so if you'd like. If you decide to completely scurry away from the plot, well, life goes on and the looming threat of the world will simply occur without your interference. Character sheets will be made through Google Sheets, so I would recommend that you create a google account to utilize them. This is not only for the purpose of having an automatic sheet, but also for general record keeping and such. Lastly, I may or may not be creating my own character for the RP. I'll be honest; I never much liked being a DM, never felt quite as fun as being one of the fellows rolling the die along my allies. Does that mean I'll use my position to grant myself additional abilities and such? Eh. Yes and no. Yes, I would probably end up using my character as a sort of plot hook if I feel that it is needed. Perhaps my character will discover some sort of strange power that would entice you all into investigating so that you too can obtain this power. Maybe I'll just make them the fall guy to make something happen like gambling debts, getting kidnapped, having a plot maguffin go missing, etc. Don't feel too bad if you come to blows with my character; I am not infallible so I will make mistakes. Call me out on them if you wish. Doesn't always mean you'll win in the end, but maybe you will. Regardless a DMPC will be included. [@Pathtowrath] You are quite obviously a new guy, seems like you just made this account recently and christened your first post in this interest check. While I don't mind if you already got a character in mind, of course I cannot say yes or no until the character is finalized. As mentioned before, while i will generally accept materials from core, UA, Xanthar, and whatever other few books I vaguely recall, homebrews must be brought up to me first, and if there happens to be something I don't know that is within the previous sources and would question, I would appreciate seeing some sources. In anycase, [@Riaxh][@Searat][@Assallya][@Duthguy][@Pathtowrath], read this post and please vote or discuss what ideas you'd like to have in terms of plot.