[center][h1]SERVER SHUTTING DOWN[/h1][/center] Like all good things it was time for this chapter of life to come to its overdue end. YGGDRASIL online and its vast world stretched out before you as the great doors to the guildhall opened just one last time, revealing the pristine rows of polished stone lit by dozens of magically burning braziers set high atop the ceiling from great chains. It was the duty of all servants to recast the enchantment day after day to bathe the guildhomes many welcome halls with light for the good of all, banishing shadows and raising the spirits of its guild members. It had been a place created with dedication. Respect. Every person, past or present, knew that Ardent Herald had been a force for good on their home server and had worked hard to earn its place among the higher leveled guilds. Looking upon the polished steel and wood of the doors, gliding open without so much as a sound, Overzealous stifled his rather emotional goodbye. [h2]10..[/h2] It had been a fantastic journey for himself. Others gathered at the entrance seemed to echo his feelings, if perhaps not his attachment. The real world shunned fantasy. Magic did not exist and the wonders that came along with it were nothing more than dreams to those who spent their free time in YGGDRASIL's rich environments. [h2]5..[/h2] Overzealous glanced at his fellow guildmembers, one by one logging off in the final moments, until all that was left of their legacy here and now were a handful of members. The NPC creations, such as the groundskeeper and the main hall guardian, waited patiently and unfeelingly beside the players that had molded them. The sight of the most dedicated players still watching, to the bitter end, was a small comfort. [h2]1..[/h2] [color=fff200][i]I will not forget what we created.[/i][/color] The thought came unbidden as the timer struck zero.. [hr] [center][h3]The New World spreads below your feet.[/h3][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/366129818791575552/470526661386043393/95b8b15c33229f69f138a5f6e855cd65.png[/img] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/overlordmaruyama/images/f/fa/Overlord_New_World_Map.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160616145939]Map.[/url] [/center] To every other player, the cold was hit first. High atop the mountain range deep, the temperature had become almost hostile as the wind and snow quickly seeped through your armor. It had barely been a blink of an eye but the landscape had altered instantaneously from the lush forest with a lake at the front door of the Guild house, to places unknown. No landmarks stuck from the snows save for the opened doors to the lustrious halls of the Ardent Heralds still askew, the flames stuttering in their places as the winds fought the magically created fires. It was a surreal moment. Despite knowing it was cold, should be cold, the sensation was not immediate. Rather, it took Overzealous a few moments to stare at his hands. Hands that shimmered in the low light struggling to escape the clouds above. There was no weight, no burder of self, as he rose to his full height and simply kept rising until he had sailed nearly 10 feet in the air by whim. A gasp escaped the holy spirit as the flickering robes loosely explained his issue. Around him, others were 'awaking' to the truth of their newfound self. Too many questions for one moment. The confusion alone could be fatal if the others were not given direction, he feared. Gliding above the gathered players he called out over the rising storm already piling snow at their doorstep. [color=fff79a]"Into the great hall! INTO THE GREAT HALL!"[/color] A flare of blinding golden light bloomed about him as he waved to get others' attention, motioning to the doorway. The NPC servants had already taken off in a run before he had even spoke, the former groundskeeper Mr. Stitch and Sew ushering them in with unusually enthusiastic movements. More questions for later. [hr] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/283457400009392129/467954040849039370/5247e1dab071a0540b14f9139e6389d2.png[/img][/center] The normally radiant halls, the many enormous windows cut into the walls to fill it with natural light, lay dark save for the familiar glow of the summoned flames burning in their places. A titanic slab of smooth carved wood decorated with chairs, candles, cups, and other various items lay where it had always been, ready to serve the founders of the hall. Warm food had already been prepared earlier during the ending celebration but now it glistened in the lowlight as the smell filled the room with herbs and spices. That too had become real? Already on the brink of being overwhelmed by the sudden transition from video game to... whatever in the 9 hells this was, Overzealous glided to a seat at the table and attempted to sit only for his uncorporeal form to simply phase through it. The food even passed through his fingers as a pristine gloves hand swiped at the cups and utensils futilely, unable to grasp anything. [color=fff79a]"What is happening. Does anybody know what in the hell is happening?"[/color] It was difficult to keep the desperation from his tone, turning in the chair he 'sat' upon to look upon the others. To his right, at the far end of the table, Mr. Stitch and Sew merely shrugged as if it were not an issue.