[img]http://www.cgsociety.org/cgsarchive/newgallerycrits/g39/298539/298539_1193251941_large.jpg[/img] The Ancients tell of a time when a bright fire glowed in the sky, its light touching all in sight and bringing life to the world. Life flourished and grew in the Above, the Ancestors having made grand cities and palaces across its plains an its open skies. Yet they were driven to the Below, forced to find refuge in the Caves and thus finding their way into the Depths. There life began anew, cities forming on the pillars of the Depths and surviving off the the Til’Aer, the waters that stretch far and wide. The Ancestors slowly grew and expanded out of the Depths as they grew use to the Below. It was not long before our people were divided, some preferring to live in the the Depths out of fear and others venturing ever further through the Caves. It was not long before new cities took held in the Heights and the Yiral Swamps. Life would go on for the Ancestors as their expansion continued, the Above slowly slipping into legend as nothing more than a myth. Some sought to return to the Above yet were turned away by the Elders, their desires quelled by tellings of a now ruined world filled with beasts and warring gods. All would remain the same until the Ather Fruit was discovered and its mysterious power took hold. [hr] Over a century has passed since the Ather Fruit was discovered in parts of the Yiral Swamps, seemingly growing from stone trees as if they were true fruit. However, it was soon discovered that it held a viscous liquid lacking in taste and seeds yet its consumption allowed some to tap into the Ather and use Magic. A new era took hold in the Below as Ather Fruit was harvested and inventions sprung up to make life in the Below easier. However, Ather Fruit has begun to grow more spare as its consumption has grown, forcing its price up and the dangers of collecting it higher. It was not long before a contract was made, a deal between the lustrous Girn Company and Council of Yiral. Its details have yet to be released to the public yet there stirs talk of the planning of a great adventure; one looking to discover more Ather fruit and possibly find if there is any truth in the legends of the Above and it's magic. However, the truth of these rumors is dubious and all sorts of people have scoffed at such an idea, especially as the shortage of Ather has driven the Three Territories to each other’s throats. One thing is for certain though, the Girn Company is up to something and have opened their doors to new employees. Perhaps this is the beginning of your story; whether it be one of adventure, wealth, or glory is up to you. [hr][hr] [center][h3]Introduction[/h3][/center] Welcome to the Below, a land of Caverns and Caves, of cold Depths and warm Heights. The Below is a mystical place, at least compared to what we would call ‘normal’ for being underground. In the Below, you can find light and warmth in the Heights though none possess knowledge of how such magic could possibly be in the below. Conversely, the Depths are a cold and dark place lit only by fluorescent moss and creatures which live down there. Between these two lies the Yiral Swamps, a land of trees and flourishing life. This area of the Below is best compared to the Amazons of our world as it is humid, warm, and full of life. But that is just the basics of the Below, I’m sure there are more pressing matters at hand to cover about this roleplay. It is in the Below that our story will take place, your characters soon to be employees for the Girn Company. The Girn Company is one of the oldest mercenary company in all of the Below, supposedly formed a decade after the Descent, but it has also withered in the past era due to the peaceful times of the land. Many of their mercenaries had grown complacent in peace and now they seek more to bolster their ranks and keep hold on their contract with the Council. However, the contents of the contract are unknown by the public and the rumors have been mixed. Whatever they are, however, your characters seek the Girn Company for hire and get in on what is in that contract. Whether your character is a spy for a rival company, an adventurer seeking glory, or a hungry fighter seeking money you’ve come to the Girn Company. I intend for the discovery of the contents of the contract to be the first part of this story, a three part endeavor. As such, I’m looking for players who will be dedicated to this for a long time as it may take a long time to finish this. Anyway, thank you for reading this far and if you have any questions then ask. [hr][hr] [center][h3]About The Below[/h3][/center] [hider=Places] [right][h3]The Depths[/h3][/right] [i]For Visual reference, check the first image.[/i] The Depths is the deepest and coldest part of the Below, though the first Cavern that the Ancestors settled in and one of the best established of the territories. Many of the cities of the Depths hang from the ceiling of its Cavern, anchored to the roof and its pillars. Some parts of the Depths are even carved into it very stone; an entire cities fit in the pillars and the walls of the Cavern. However, there are those who are more adventurous and daring and have taken to living at the base of the pillars, forming fishing cities near the waters of the Til’Aer. Their lives are the most dangerous of those in the Cavern, threatened by the large fish capable of consuming an entire canoe and raids by ravenous lizard men. Despite all this, the Depths have flourished over the years as its population grew hardier and adjusted to the cold lands. The discovery of Aether only bolstered its people and cemented their place in the Below, especially due to the inventions made by its scholars. However, the shortage has threatened to shake the Depths to its core as word spreads of a possible declaration of War to obtain access to the Aether in Yiral. [hr] [right][h3]The Yiral Swamps[/h3][/right] [img]https://www.cgsociety.org/cgsarchive/newgallerycrits/g39/298539/298539_1259493636_large.jpg[/img] The Yiral Swamps are a middle ground for the people of the Below, a Territory which seems to be not unlike the Above. Or at least how the legends tell of the Above. Much of the Yiral is covered in dense forest filled with various creatures, a dangerous place for the uninitiated or those without guides. However, the Ancestors had found the Swamps to be a fine home and a good source of wood and light. They grew slowly as most continued on to the Heights or went down the Depths, avoiding settling in the Territory due to its ravenous growth. However, those willing to take the challenge of the Yiral found themselves a comfortable niche in the unforgiving lands and, over time, forged a place in its forests. The discovery of Aether in the depths of the Yiral led to its Golden Age, its population booming as the trade of Aether grew and people flocking to the ever growing cities. It was here that many trading and mercenary companies made their base, offering their services to many and causing the Swamps to become a bustling hub of trade. Despite this, however, much of the Yiral is dangerous and constant vigilance by the Council has been all that has kept its cities from being consumed by the forests. Yet, the Aether shortage has begun to take its toll on the Council and many cities begin to suffer from the ravenous hunger of the Swamps. [hr] [right][h3]The Heights[/h3][/right] [img]https://cdn.cgsociety.org/t/g39/298539/17724292_large.jpg[/img] Where the people of the Depths live in pillars and the roof of its Cavern, the people of the Heights have forged their place on top of its might pillars and found home on its walls. Their cities cling to its walls and span the tops of its pillars, contacted either by bridges or Aether machines. Its warmth has allowed life to flourish and grow, many flying creatures finding home in this place and some taking nest on the plateaus in the Cavern. Quite like the legend of the Above, the Heights experience a Day/Night cycle yet always seems to have a dim glow even in the darkest of nights. The people who forged their place in this Territory had to fight for it tooth and nail, clawing their place into the niche and fighting off its creatures. Yet, they have the best access to metals and are home to some of the greatest forges of the Territories. The discovery of Aether only enhanced their position as craftsmen and fighters as forges used the Aether to craft between weapons and armor for its people. They flourished as its mercenaries sent home money from the Yiral and the flow of tools continued on down to the Depths. However, the Aether shortage has put all of its people on edge as smaller sums of money have been sent up to the Territory as its mercenaries find fewer jobs posted in the Yiral. Some say the Heights Council intends to take over the Yiral in an attempt to secure access to Aether and prevent the Depths from taking it. [/hider] [hider=On Aether and Magic] [img]https://cdn.cgsociety.org/t/g39/298539/17667637_orig.jpg[/img] Aether was once a mysterious liquid to the people of the Below, its orange warmth foreign and and yet comforting. It was not until the Scholars of the Depths discovered that Aether and Magic were entwined by some force, their consensus arriving that Aether is the Lifeblood of the World. It was through this discovery that it was possible for the people of the Below to consume Aether and perform magic. Yet, access to Magic was seemingly not an indefinite guarantee if one consumed Aether as many found that the effects ebbed off over time, though the period of time varied from person to person. Generally people found that consuming a 4oz vial of Aether would allow them to cast magic for at least two hours however the more powerful the magic, the quicker its effect would disappear. However, there exists some in the Below who have shown a natural ability to use Magic and are believed to have received such skill from the innate after effects of Aether consumption. These select few are capable of casting without Aether though it drains them physically to do so. Unlike Aether users, Magic casters were limited in power by how strong their bodies are and experienced they are. Though Casters have found in recent years that Aether consumption acts as a remedy to their exhaustion in casting, allowing them to cast more often and stronger spells as long as they consume Aether regularly. Although, some say that its consumption is like an addiction to casters, weakening them greatly if they do not consume it regularly. Almost anything can be done through Magic, except bring the dead back of course. [/hider]