After coming closer, Zanni realised something. His face wasn't hidden at all. By releasing some air, the volume of his big red nose had decreased, to the point he could make eye contact. And if he could see them, they could also glare back. Checking out the people not blocked by his inflated nose ([@MikkishtheLeprechaun], [@Gentlemanvaultboy] ), he figured the same could have happened to them. The gig was up. In order to survive, he had to communicate like 'normal' people do. "Apologies for the weird approach. I am not a very social person. I am the great Zanni Bozo. I come and go in peace..." He relaxed his finger muscles and slowly all the air was set free. His nose started to shrink again and now his eyes could see further than the end of his nose. One person took all his attention. He sat down on one knee and reached out his greasy stained with blood right-hand glove and uttered the words: "Need a hand, milady?" ([@Assallya])