[center][h1]The World Undone[/h1][/center] [hider=Orders] - Posting IC will be immensely beneficial to you as a player. It is, however, not necessary. This is designed so that you can still send in your orders if you are too busy to post, but posting IC will provide a tangible bonus to your DRM (Die Roll Modifier). - Each [b]Turn[/b] represents one In-Game Month. The player will submit [b]3 Orders[/b]. - Each order is then subject to a 1d6 roll. A 6 means a perfect execution and a 1 means a horrible failure. Posting IC gives you a +2 die roll to a single order, or a +1 die roll to all three. [Specified at the end of your IC post.]. This means that more active players are rewarded. - [b]Orders[/b]: * [b][color=yellow]Economic[/color][/b]: An order designed to benefit the nation economically. * [b][color=red]Military[/color][/b]: An order designed to affect your military. * [b][color=green]Diplomacy[/color][/b]: An order designed to conduct diplomacy. * [b][color=blue]Imperialism[/color][/b]: Exploring and developing new lands. * [b][color=gold]Conference[/color][/b]: Used to call a [i]Political[/i] or [i]Military[/i] Conference. Select which nations to invite. Begins a [b]Conference[/b]. (See PM for rules). * [b][color=gray]Attempt Invention[/color][/b]: Used to attempt a new invention. Must be relevant to current technologies and success depends on a 1d6. Great Powers receive a +1.[/hider][hider=World Maps][center][Img]https://i.imgur.com/N8TTthX.png[/img] [i]Eurania and Faresia, 1905[/i][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wM70lU6.png[/img] [i]The Fifth Continent, 1905[/i][/center][/hider] [hr][hr] [center][i]July, 1905[/i][/center] [b][h3]July 23rd[/h3][/b][indent][b][color=blue]King Avandre VII of Illesia[/color][/b] hires the polyglot Marcus Aimes as well as the anthropologist Logan Blaines and a slew of other researchers and scientists to begin a complete expedition of the Serranthian coast lines, the first in Illesian history. They are dispatched on three different merchant vessels and are expected to return sometime in 1906. All three vessels were given a region to map out and catalog climate, terrain, the Serranthian natives as well as their hostility. So called the [u]Serranthian Endeavor[/u], it is given a budget of $200,000 for outfitting and supplies. [center][img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/08/23/article-2399835-1B6C355E000005DC-193_964x646.jpg[/img] [i]Illesian merchant vessels[/i] IV Hanover[i] pictured 1905[/i][/center][/indent] [b][u]Second Tyro-Helroxi War[/u][/b][indent] Exhausted from nearly a month of defensive actions and an offensive unlike the world had ever seen--although without artillery--the Tyrian 2nd Field Army was ordered onto the offensive against the Helroxi. Army Group Reselven, for reasons unknown to all, did little except defend. Only briefly entrenched, the Helroxi are at immediate risk of being overwhelmed and encircled. Major Antony Kylov, deploring the Kaiser as a: "[i]Rich and lazy asshole but not not least of all an idiot[/i]" defied the lack of standing orders and took to arms against the [b]4. Infanterie Division[/b] attempting to circle through and close the Helroxi supply lines. In the [b]Battle of Surginov[/b], Kylov's 90th Cavalry and the 4. Infanterie engaged in a three day long struggle to determine the fate of the Helroxi corridor. After a failed cavalry charge, Kylov's troops dismounted and engaged across the open plains but were woefully outmatched by Tyrian field artillery fire and the presence of new rapid firing mounted guns capable of mowing down three or four men at a time. [center][img]http://images.mentalfloss.com/sites/default/files/styles/mf_image_16x9/public/serbs_to_the_front.jpg?itok=1JDlNY2y&resize=1100x619[/img] [i]Tyrians of 4. Infanterie on the march during Operation Mystic, July 1905[/i][/center] The 4. Infanterie took nearly 40% casualties in tenacious fighting in and around the village of Surginov, but forced the 90th Cavalry back at the cost of 85% of all it's horses and 60% of all its equipment. Among the dead was Major Antony Kylov. On July 23rd the pocket was closed, with Itheraen and Tyrian soldiers meeting at the crux of the pocket and effectively encircling [u]Army Group Reselven[/u] in what would now be called the [u]Reselven Pocket[/u]. 80,000 men were now trapped, though poised to break out by virtue of the Northern Flank being protected by only a single Tyrian infantry division and an ad hoc Itheraen volunteer division (who were less volunteers and had been [u]forced[/u] by their government to participate).[/indent][b][h3]July 24th[/h3][/b][indent]Jakob Kalpulio returns to the [b][color=beige]Coastal Empire of Tara[/color][/b], his mission a failure given that he was allotted zero funds to work with. He resigns his commission in the Taranese Intelligence Bureau.[/indent] [b][u]Second Tyro-Helroxi War[/u][/b] [indent][u]Army Group Wesleven[/u] arrives at the Tyrian front, having been ordered away from the Marnish border in June, 1905. General Zurosev Fregrelen's Army Group was 136,000 men strong and immediately began an offensive against the thin Tyrian lines of [u]4. Infanterie[/u] and the [u]Itheraen Volunteer Division[/u]. Six Guards divisions were thrown into the offensive and both the Tyrian and Itheraen divisions flagged within two days of fighting. The [u]4. Infanterie[/u] division and the [u]IVD[/u] force were taken prisoner following the [b]Second Battle of Surginov[/b] and the Helroxi pocket was reopened. Among the captured equipment were 9 Melhorn S55, 77 Syndére machine guns and 6,500 Kaiser Type 91 rifles. [center][img]http://www.firstworldwar.com/features/graphics/austrianpow_l.jpg[/img] [i]Tyrian prisoners of war, 1905[/i][/center][/indent][b][h3]July 25th[/h3][/b][indent]In the [b][color=yellow]High Kingdom of Itherae[/color][/b], The [u]Debt Payment Act[/u], proposed by Minister of Finance, Herodes Simonides, is passed through the Supra Dobranie and approved by the Queen to use any available surplus in the treasury to pay off the debt owed to the Taran Empire, in addition, maintenance of the railways will be reduced by $20,000,000 to give the government and increased amount to use on paying off the debt. These austerity measures were expected to slow growth of the rail industry to almost complete stagnation over the next 3 years.[/indent][b][h3]July 26th[/h3][/b][indent]In the [b][color=pink]Kingdom of Zellonia[/color][/b], Minister of Labor Tyler Jenkins to lead an employment initiative, the Minister is to open three centers. One in the capital and one in major town of Wompville to the east of the capital and in Kyroz in the east. The employment centers will focus on getting skilled and unskilled laborers into the service industry & Food Industry. This initiative has a yearly budget of $250,000.[/indent][b][h3]July 27th[/h3][/b][indent]The Toubrian general elections occur. The [b][color=red]Partido Popular Monárquico[/color][/b] was not expected to have a strong showing, given the [b]Illesian Incident[/b] and the Empress' desire to see it upheld. This was fuel to the fire for the [b][color=yellow]Partido Liberal[/color][/b] and even the [b][color=green]Partido Nacional[/color][/b] who wished to see Toubrian shipyards building Toubrian ships and lobbied heavily to ensure that Toubrian business owners in the coastal provinces did their best to turn away non-Toubrian business under promise that under a government of the National party, the Toubrians would see a massive shipbuilding program. The election resulted in the following changes in the [b]Assembly Nacional[/b]: - [b][color=red]Partido Popular Monarquico[/color][/b]: 48 Seats - [b][color=green]Partido Nacional[/color][/b]: 32 Seats - [b][color=yellow]Partido Liberal[/color][/b]: 28 Seats - [b][color=green]Partido Agraria[/color][/b]: 0 Seats - [b][color=Orange]Partido Socialiste[/color][/b]: 0 Seats [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ovM9am6.png[/img] [i]Toubrian general election, July 1905[/i][/center] Without a clear majority, Prime Minister Ravi Dego's [i]PPM[/i] would need to form a coalition with either the Nationalists or the Liberals. The Nationalists wished to see the Toubrian Navy and Army expanded as well as her colonial ambitions seen through. The Liberals wanted to see domestic industry expanded, the abolition of child labor as well as the an end to the Toubrian emigration issue--which has been avoided until now.[/indent][b][h3]July 28th[/h3][/b][indent]The government of [b][color=pink]Zellonia[/color][/b] sends out an international bid for an automobile. Given the average wages of Zellonia, it's lack of infrastructure and general apathy to the "auto," it was an interesting request for the government to request something it's people were not interested in. The requirements were thus: - Must seat four people. - Must be on four wheels. - Must be able to go 10-15MPH on unpaved roads and 17-20 MPH on paved roads. - Sales price must be less than 400$. - 500 to be delivered before February, 1906. The Vigentinan design company [i]Forino Estadi Automobili[/i]'s Saetta automobile fulfilled these requirements and agreed to sell 500 to the government of Zellonia for $250,000.[/indent][b][h3]July 29th[/h3][/b][indent]Following Etelian example, Soronas Thaulos, a member of the Itherean Colonial Committee, will announce that any Tehmigs fleeing from the effects of Black June are free to safely reside in Néo Méros. Additionally, any Tehmig who wishes will be able to become an official citizen of the Itheraen Kingdom and will be allowed the same rights as any other man or woman within the kingdom, furthermore educators will be sent to teach any Tehmig wanting citizenship the laws of Itherae, the nation's history, and the Itheraen Nation Anthem. This is done in order to make Néo Méros a peaceful heaven for the native Tehmigs and to make it less likely to be a target of any Tehmig rebellion.[/indent][b][h3]July 30th[/h3][/b][indent]Enact the [b]Deflation Policy[/b], brought forth by a treasurer of the Kingdom's Treasury Leontis Diokles, which will allow the government to reduce the money supply in order to reduce inflation by 2% within the realm. This policy will be implemented steadily over a five month period, starting in July. With less money in their pockets, it's estimated that Itheraen wages will follow suit as the money supply is decreased by a sum of $236,000,000.[/indent][b][h3]July 31st[/h3][/b][indent]The [b][color=crimson]Helrox Empire[/color][/b] finishes it's military mobilization--nearly 890,000 troops have been mobilized across Flegleen, Hokkan, the Vigentino border and the Tyrian border of course. Given the Helrox' impending financial situation and it's lackadaisical infrastructure, mobilization orders took weeks to arrive. Now, the Helrox military apparatus waking up.[/indent] [center][[u]July[/u] has ended. You may send orders for [u]August[/u].][/center]