[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180417/c890698f2f6801bddd8f7b6fd29a6bd6.png[/img][/center][hr] [color=gray] [color=#9546a1]“...alright, silicone rubber…”[/color] muttered Nikolai. Reading a tablet underwater tended to twist the body into strange positions. His legs slowly thumped to a steady rhythm as he attempted to jog his memory on the construction material known as silicone rubber. He felt mildly ashamed at not knowing the origins of the materials he was so proficient in using. Ores gave metal, that was obvious. But rubber? How would they manage to extract that? His mumbles reached a crescendo and then stopped. [color=#9546a1]“Oh, I understand now. I can get that from plant matter. Creepvines.”[/color] Nikolai wasn´t the sort of person to get invested in the natural world. When his PDA informed him that silicone rubber was obtainable through the harvesting of creepvines, he simply cocked his head in confusion. None of the plants around him gave the impression of appearing appropriate enough to receive the strange name. Everything in the safe shallows was, well, safe. He wasn´t one for vacations, but he begrudgingly admitted that it would make for a beautiful place to relax in. [color=#9546a1][i]That is, if someone consented to arrive.[/i][/color] He swam towards bursts of plant life that lay scattered around the pristine sands and repeatedly shook his head at the device in his hands. None of them were suitable for extraction, much to his disappointment. He spoke to Natsumi again, this time without even bothering to turn around. The communication technology in their suits didn´t care if they weren´t facing each other and he was slowly slipping into his workaholic tendencies again. [color=#9546a1]“I´m going to have to venture outside of this area to find the plants I need.”[/color] he said with a small sigh of frustration. Among the plethora of now insignificant plants there were the occasional clusters of creepvines, yet he knew that they would provide very little use to a couple of physically active humans. In the distance, more of them could be seen. Their untamed strands of green were a stark contrast to the tranquil atmosphere the shallows possessed. [color=#9546a1]“Technically, there are mature specimens around here that could be used, but I want to explore even further.”[/color] He began to gently swim towards the marine forest without waiting for a response, once again propelled by curiosity.[/color] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180417/d711051a1ca4d3deda5e6d625b562603.png[/img][/Center][hr] [color=gray] Hugo was able to trust Amari more after hearing her open up. He realized that he wasn´t the only one who was thinking about the fate of his friends. Her situation was surprisingly even worse than his, with her friend having been on board the ship at the time of the disaster. Hugo gained some respect for the girl at seeing her so visibly unaffected by the whole ordeal. She even went as far as putting a basic plan together with one person dedicated to food and the other for repairs. Putting the escape pod back together was what he had originally wished for, so he had no complaints. Hugo gave a thumbs up and exclaimed a loud [color=#f27778]“Okay!”[/color] at his companion, waiting for her to dive in before doing so himself. A quick look at his PDA would have informed him that they were currently located above an area called the kelp forest, but he had no desire to sit on the floor and read when the opportunity to get a more direct answer hanged in front of him so readily. The large man squatted in silence. Despite his rugged appearance, his job had led him to develop a high level of flexibility.[/color]