I feel like Hugo and Oliver would get along. There are two ways the character could develop, either he's turning into a lunatic or into a precious bean. (I've been working on this boy for 2 days, I hope he's acceptable.) [hider=Hugo] [color=Aquamarine][center][h1]Hugo Finnegan[/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/e2dc/f/2018/204/d/7/hugo_by_crystal_amalgam-dci3rjq.png[/img][/center] [center][i](art by me)[/i][/center] [color=Aquamarine][center]“Sometimes the dinosaurs aren’t the scariest thing out there.”[/center][/color] [color=Aquamarine]Name[/color] [hr] Hugo Finnegan [color=Aquamarine]Age[/color] [hr] 15 years [color=Aquamarine]Gender[/color] [hr] Male [color=Aquamarine]Appearance[/color] [hr] Hugo has emerald green eyes, ear-length dark brown hair that is usually messy or unkempt, and his complexion is pale or wan, making him appear sickly. He looks haggard and gaunt most of the time despite being physically healthy, most of it is due to stress. Hugo is slightly short standing at 5’3 and is light as a feather. It is not uncommon to see him with eye bags and dark circles under his eyes. Despite getting the short end of the stick appearance-wise, Hugo makes the most of it and doesn’t pay much mind to his looks. As for Hugo’s fashion style, it's practically nonexistent since he heavily prefers simple clothing, he usually wears solid color clothing such as t-shirts, jeans, jackets, and sneakers. [color=Aquamarine]Personality[/color] [hr] Hugo, in some ways, is what people would call a scaredy-cat. He fully embraces this since he’d much rather be scared and alive than confident and dead. Hugo also likes to think that he’s the voice of reason in most situations and sometimes keeps his peers from doing foolish or risky stunts. This has given him the title “Buzzkill” since he is infamous for being a wet blanket. Hugo doesn’t care though since he’s just doing his best to make sure none of his friends die or get injured. In reality, Hugo just cares for those he trusts and only those he trusts. When trying new things, Hugo is very reluctant and doubts the safety and if something goes wrong he will most likely never try it again. Hugo also has a darker side, he’s bound by paranoia and does not easy to trust strangers. The exact origins of why he is like are up to debate, the most likely event is that he has a few screws loose upstairs or suffered through some sort of traumatic event. Whatever it is, he refuses to tell and prefers to put it all behind him. Hugo would prefer for people to judge who he is by his character and not his past and maladies. Being a paranoid and anxious individual has led Hugo to become reclusive at times, over the past few years Hugo has been working to improve his social skills and habits. [color=Aquamarine]Background[/color] [hr] As far as most know, they don’t. Hugo and whatever family he has left don’t explain their origins much. One day a small group showed up at Amberstone and settled there. Hugo was about four or five at the time barely remembers much before Amberstone, or at least he says he doesn’t. When he and his parents moved there, Hugo was quickly noted as the “weird” one. As a small child he’d exhibit some eccentric behavior but nothing too extreme, despite this he was always well behaved and never too difficult to control. As Hugo grew older, he grew more isolated, especially after the presumed death of his pet cat named Milo. It took Hugo a few months to start growing social again but he soon broke out of his shell. His parents often insisted him to make friends and eventually Hugo did comply. At first, Hugo was very aloof around his newer friends but as time progressed he would open up. Soon after, Hugo developed an interest in writing and journaling. He would spend much of his time jotting things down or journalling. Writing has helped Hugo cope since he has issues communicating his thoughts and feelings with others and lately his state has been improving., [color=Aquamarine]Miscellaneous[/color] [hr] Hugo actually likes to write, he has a couple notepads and journals that he uses. It’s fairly common to see him walking around with a notepad and pen in hand scribbling something down. Hugo used to have a pet cat named Milo, but one night the cat disappeared without a trace. This upset him for a long time. Hugo has serious trouble sleeping most of the time, his earlier years were plagued by nightmares and he now considers himself to be a professional insomniac. Most of the time Hugo seems stressed or worried for absolutely no reason. This is normal for him. [/hider]