Bright was a terrible movie, but I’ll admit it was an absurd enough concept to be entertaining. It’s just another example of why Will smith is not as good of an actor as people say he is though. Every other sub-par name in that movie almost outshines him when she should be the brightest guy on set. Its exceptionally stereotypical narrative on racism still makes me a little sad. But I wasn’t expecting much when I saw that it was going to try and mash two diametrically opposed genres together. It was like throwing a rocks and glass into a blender. New star wars movies are good tho js. Probably compete with the original movies in a lot of regards, which for the record, were flooded with inconsistencies and were not nearly as good as people like to think. But I don’t think star wars was ever defined by its exceptional plot. It was always a fun little series with cool ideas that rarely broke immersion to me.