The woman pushed past Dog and sprinted down the hallway in the face of the monster clown, followed closely by the normal guy and the giant android creature, leaving only Dog and the quivering, white hot blob all on their lonesome to face the creature. Dog looked down to the blob for some kind of signal, decided that there probably wasn't going to be any help from that direction this time, and took a step forward to place himself in front of it. As he did he was hit with the [i]smell[/i], stinking rot that was torture on the nose, and he had to grip it like a life preserver to keep the smell from seeping in. What in the world was this Frankenstein nonsense? "Hi Bozo" he said awkwardly. "I'm Dog. This is my friend," He said, gesturing to the magma creature. "I don't know it's name. It just woke up here, like me I think. Like you? Did you just wake up here too?"