[quote=@Mara] You should do some of Neil Breen's movies if you've got the guts to sit through some more. He's just released his 5th movie Twisted Pair if you can get your hands on it, Pass Thru is also pretty recent. [/quote] Hmm see the problem is that everyone who has seen a Neil Breen movie loves them and everyone knows exactly why they love them. There is nothing really controversial to discuss, everyone is on the same page with that series. I want to do more in-depth discussions on films with themes or elements that most people may or may not have noticed. Or rather choose to ignore. A good example is that how although absolutely loved by everyone, Ex-Machina is a super super feminist movie and the whole film is about different kinds of feminism reacting to social norms. But i've commited to talking about bad movies, so I need something divisive. I would have loved to do Wonder Woman or Baby Driver and while those films are massively overrated and poor in many ways, they don't quite reach 'bad' status for this thread. Fuck it, I'll do Ready Player One.