Ayer Lecomte --9:36pm - Mentions: [@Mataus] The winded arcanist was happy to hear the crew aboard the larger cruiser was distracted by something happening on the other side, allowing them to slip beneath the beams of the search lights. A Nillium shark, it seemed like. He would've loved to have a closer examination of the creature. While it was not magical, from what he heard, it was sight of nature to behold. Their teeth and scales were supposedly stronger than metal, but much more beautiful and light. Who knows? He might've figured out a way to used these materials in prototypes for the [i]Ars[/i], as metal oftentimes had a problem of prolonged heat retention. It was the problem of them, being thermal conductors, despite their usefulness in malleability and general conductivity. It was one of the things he intended on doing during his stay here in the port-town. But those plans have changed, clearly. As they passed behind the ship, his eyes widened. The boat was being rocked by currents caused by the arcane engine of the larger ship. "Oh merde...!" he whispered, shifting his oar to the other side to try and offset the heavy bobbing they now experienced. But another forced seemed to join in the rough bobbing the ship, adding a sharp bump. He was reminded how much he needed to relieve his bladder at all of this uncomfortably displacement. And of the sheer terror that swelled up inside him, quite literally gripped the poor man by his groin. Ayer slowly poked his head over, hoping that his greatest fear was just his overactive imagination. But it was not. A large looming shadow passed underneath, a slender, monstrous shape. One cast by the residual lights shone into the water overhead. Right then, he quite almost pissed himself. Paric's words only confirmed his sighting, and cemented his terror. "I-I do not have a habit of excessively rocking the boat! I just... I underestimate my own [b]strength[/b]. Yes." he whispered, yet he found himself shaking like a wet dog. Damn. When he wished for a close examination of the Nillium sharks, this was not what he meant. "P-pull the oars in." he said, trying hard not to panic. "Pull them in, now...!" As he yanked his over the side back onto the boat, Ayer began steadily scooting himself to one side of the ship, "Hopefully, with our combined weight, we'll keep the ship in balance from the currents. The largest unknown factor which will lead to us being flipped and probably eaten, is that very shark. If we appear just like a floating piece of junk, it might ignore us. If not... Well..." He didn't want to think about it. ...