[quote=@Mara] Don't worry, you'll always be a neckbeard in my heart. :dreamy In all seriousness, my point was referring to the fact that most movies with a feminist """"agenda"""" (at least modern ones) I've seen tend to be absolute garbo. There's good feminist movies out there, too, but for every Ex-Machina there's always gonna be 10 XXs. My trips to the cinema have been rare lately, though, so I'm not claiming to be some movie expert. [/quote] Feminist 'agenda' is a bit of a misnomer because an agenda can be anything from highlighting sexism, to promoting inclusion. Just going by 'inclusion' then Kill Bill is a feminist movie because it has an emphasis on women with agency and passes the bechdel test. More so than something like Ghostbusters that just changed the orignally male cast into a female one. The ironic thing is the Ex machina is about feminism but isnt nessecarily promoting it. There are no women in ex machina, just robots created by a man's idea of what a woman is. The ways that the two men perceive women is the films exploration of feminist themes. The story elements are there but the movie lets you come to your own conclusion about the morals. But dont let me put examples in your mouth, what would you consider a feminist movie?