"It's not safe out here," Johnny told the sisters in the car. "Come with me and...Sarah?" Johnny turned around and saw that she was gone. Looking in the direction of the Parsons' house, he could see someone running off away from him. "Sarah! Sarah wait for..." The undead from the party burst out from the tall wheats in the field, coming out in droves. They were moving together in one big group, heading directly toward Johnny. "Let me in!" he shouted to the girls, grabbing the backseat door and attempting to enter. It was locked and the undead weren't slowing down. Johnny ran backwards but tripped over his own feet, his body nearly in shock from the terror he was feeling. He busted his head against the pavement and almost knocked himself out, but he was still aware. He began to crawl as they came right up on him. He saw his bandmates coming for him, they were dead but he could still make them out. Eyes wide, he completely froze in place as the horde moved in. Suddenly a police siren sounded out nearby, the colors of red and blue filled the area. The cop car crashed into the nearest of the undead, flattening the corpses to the pavement as it gave Johnny time enough to move again. Pulling to a stop, the young sheriff came out and raised his weapon. "You need me!" Dallen yelled at him, still handcuffed in the backseat. "I can help! Give me a gun!" He motioned his head toward the shotgun that was placed in the front seat. Ethan seemed to oblidge as he reached in and took the weapon, but instead turned and handed it to Johnny. "Aim for the head!" Ethan instructed. Without hesitation the two of them began firing, blowing off heads and splattering brains all over the road. Body after body fell, the two of them taking turns to reload with ammunition from inside the vehicle. The walkers were slow, each of them an easy target. They could hear more coming from the distance, but the horde around them was down, all of their bodies lying in one big pile of flesh and blood. "We're heading to the Parsons," Johnny told the sheriff, who nodded. "Their car is down." He pointed to the sisters who were still in their vehicle. "Can we all ride with you?" "There's a convict in the back..." Ethan told him, as he paused to think. The sounds of the undead still wandering through the field was becoming louder. "Great." There was another vehicle coming down the road, a blue BMW, which would have plenty of space for everyone and Ethan could follow them in the police car. It wasn't in his right to do such a thing, but chaos was spreading fast and things were starting to change drastically. The city was on fire. Ethan held out his badge and stood in the middle of the road as the BMW approached, the undead pile of bodies made it difficult if the driver wanted to speed through. Ethan walked up to the driver side and noticed the blood on the vehicle, but only on this day would he let such a thing pass. "Sheriff Ethan Hall, we need to use your vehicle, sir," he told the driver, keeping his hand close to his holstered firearm. "I need you to follow my police cruiser to a resident house not far from here. It's an emergency. You're not going to find anything heading the way you're going except the longest line of traffic jams the world has ever seen. I'll see about compensating you when it's all over." He walked by the sisters car and told them to get into the SUV with Johnny, then slowly led the way toward the Parsons orchard. Johnny entered the front seat, still covered in other people's blood and some vomit. They waited for the sisters and then followed the cop. "Hi, thanks," Johnny said to the driver. There were more undead slowly coming out from the field, few and far between now. "I'm Johnny," he said and then extended his hand to shake, but when he saw the blood all over his fingers he pulled it back. Not much longer and they would drive up on the Parsons lot. The fields here were filled with people that were alive, seemingly camping in their vehicles for the night. Ethan drove up to the front and got out, he was immediately bombarded by people with questions and concerns of which he had no answers to. All he wanted to do was get back to his family.