[center][img]https://i.mdel.net/i/db/2017/5/703592/703592-500w.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180722/3c3b949310e53fb25935ebea1389aff5.png[/img][/center] [center]The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. Carl Jung [/center] [center]_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] [b][colour=seagreen]"Yeah, as if. They'll learn to live with it. Poor unfortunate souls."[/colour][/b] Johnny laughed strangely and her brows furrowed in slight confusion. [b][colour=seagreen]"They're newbies, it's part of their job to be scared of the seniors. Anyway, how are your crazy fathers?"[/colour][/b] Poor unfortunate souls… That was a movie quote, right? She got lost in thought for a moment as she attempted to recall the film. There was silence and then Bea realized he had asked her a question. What about? Ohh yeah. The dads. [color=E0633C][b]“Crazy,”[/b][/color] she responded, looking toward the next person who approached. It was beginning to get uncomfortable with the number of people who had arrived to stand around the car to see Johnny. Her right fist balled up as she tapped it against her thigh and attempted to calm herself. She then realized she remembered the movie. [color=E0633C][b]“Little Mermaid,”[/b][/color] she mumbled to herself and began to study just how interesting the blacktop appeared. [colour=336501]”Uh, hey Johnny,”[/colour] [b][colour=seagreen]"Hey there! Don't get too nervous, some people here can smell fear. But don't mind these two, they're harmless. Guys, this is Dylan, he just moved here. This is Min, she's great with cameras. And this is Bea, she can draw like no-one's business."[/colour][/b] Bea raised her left hand and gave him a small wave and her lips turned to a frown. New people. Uhg. That meant having to learn stuff about them. And then they would have to learn things about you. And then they probably wouldn’t like you much because you say shit like, [color=E0633C][b]“Being you must really suck.”[/b][/color] She, of course, meant that being new to a school in one’s senior year had to be a terrible experience. What came out of her mouth in monotone boredom was an insult. [color=E0633C][b]“Welcome to Kings.” [/b][/color] She turned her eyes from the new boy to glance at Johnny. It seemed he had finally stopped recording and was typing out a message to someone. She took this as her chance to escape. Without saying a word or looking at anyone else she turned on her heel and walked away. The tapping at her thigh calmed as she headed toward the building and relief washed through her. At least the day was pleasant. The sun was shining and there was barely any humidity in the air. She could tell because her hair was not sticking out at all angles and giving her shadow a crazy fro. She brushed the curls back from her face. It was too warm to be wearing a jacket in the summer though and she longed to be able to get into the air-conditioned building. She would have to search out club sign-ups. What would she do this year? Art Club, as always. Nothing like getting more time to paint. Probably theater again so she could do set and prop design. Bea paused when she noticed a very tall guy. He was new too, probably. She didn’t recognize him. And he seemed to be perhaps angry at the piece of paper in his hands. Or maybe he was hungry. She couldn’t quite tell. She approached him, glanced at the paper and then up toward his face. Bea was a small girl, but this guy’s build and intimidating expression made her feel downright minuscule. [color=E0633C][b]“Lost?”[/b][/color] she inquired, stuffing her hands into her jacket pockets and tilted her head to the side. When he looked toward her she noticed the lines of his features and the shadow of tree dancing across his skin. [color=E0633C][b]“You have a good face,”[/b][/color] she said blandly. [hider=Summary] Bea is super awkward and answers a question about her dads. Says something unintentionally rude to the new guy. Leaves the group and thinks about the heat. Meets another new face, which she appears to think is a nice face. [/hider] [@Erklings25][@KatKook][@TheIrishJJ][@Okonuki]