[@LemonZest1337] [@vancexentan] [@Jin Of Mana] [color=fff200][i][b]VERDREHTE[/b][/i][/color] "Well i am sure i can help you if ever we need to hack into a computer" He said wanting to let a helping hand to his comrade. Leaning forward a little to properly inspect her large metal jaw feeling a bit frightened to be near her or rather would be afraid of being the person between her jaws. "Amazing" He said softly touching the side of her jaw but not the inside, Finding her power and Aya's to be quite fascinating. And with the two of them sharing a bit about themselves letting him get to know them a bit more. However he was not going to share things like his name or more personal thing until he fully trust them. And with them being child killers he was not sure if he should say anything further about himself. "So i wonder why did you join this rag tag group?" He asked Aya and somewhat to Diesel resting his arm on the bar table and his chin on his hand. He had a feeling he was going to enjoy some of the people in the group and was going to have fun teasing one of them. "So for example you could make a suit of armor out of common machinery? Fascinating." He said and then turning to Aya to ask her another question. "I wonder can you touch yourself and contort your own body? And do you know whom the others are in the group and if you can what their quirks are?" He asked her watching them closely behind his burlap sack mask.