[center][h2]???[/h2][h3]Information Unavailable, Fuyuki(?)[/h3][/center] ... So many, torn from this world. Their lives snuffed out without warning, their souls burned to nothingness, their hopes and dreams and ideals ground to dust without even a scrap of rhyme or reason. Death is just another beginning. I know that better than anyone else. I repeat the words to myself in an attempt to clear my blurry vision, but the world around me thrums in response, shaking and shuddering even as my words draw up into a scream. A raucous, terrible screech engraves itself into space. A cry for the end of innocence. A cry of a parent who has lost their child. It shakes the earth around me as I feel it tear from my throat. Pound. Pound. [b]Pound.[/b] A great ceremonial drum buried in the confines of my skull, growing louder every time I think of those fallen, every time I take a breath. It's as if my body, as if the very space around me is trying to convince me that those words are mere sophistry, but I truly do believe in them. ...still, though, the fact that those lives were taken by another, spirited away in the dead of night...the thought causes my stomach to sink. Something races through my body, something that I can't quite place. This feeling...what is it? I don't recognize it. It's unfamiliar. This tightness in my chest, it's something that drowns out sorrow with an overwhelming heat. Ah... ...enmity, that's it. This is hatred. This is hatred for the one that dared to create such a tragedy. Strange. How absurdly strange. I don't recall hating something before, not once. I've felt frustration, annoyance, disdain, dislike, pity, exasperation, anger, but never hatred. Never true enmity. There has never been someone or something that I'd feel joy for the thought of [b]burning to the bloody ground[/b] until now. It's as if I can hear them, the sorrowed screams of hundreds of thousands, desperately calling out in protest of their pointless deaths. The thought causes my chest to tighten further, causes that heat to rise until it feels as if my blood is truly boiling. ...is this [i]your[/i] work? Ha, you're probably laughing, trying to claim credit for a complete accident, aren't you? That's just your character, after all. Well, I can't say that I'm upset by that. If it took someone like you to galvanize me to action, then perhaps that's for the best. Maybe my old methods simply aren't up to snuff, if this is what I'm up against. If I'm up against something that deserves to be hated, then I should attack it with everything I have, right? Some of those cherished people, they'll become my enemies, since they won't understand. It will hurt, without question, but I'll have to persevere. Tragedies like this...I can't accept them. I shuffle forwards, and stare at my own face reflected in the ■■■■■. The dull growl that cuts through my ears rings true, as if affirming my own resolve with its own. The thought fills me with disgust, but it's a disgust that I must force my way through. Right. I don't want to hate, but I can't help but hate these meaningless tragedies. So, so...I'll force that restraint down. I'll lock my hesitation and pacifism away, because as loathe as I am to admit it, pacifism won't prevent those tragedies. I cannot ignore it. I cannot let it go ignored. Its foul deeds. Its cruelty. The demon that does nothing but wear a thin smile while bringing about countless sorrows. It has the ability and means to solve these tragedies, and despite that nothing is done. Bearing a knowing smile, nothing is done. I scream at it, I pour out my heart in a desperate appeal. Does it feel nothing? Does it not have even a shred of compassion to right these wrongs? Does it not see the monstrosity that it brings about without pause? It responds to my pleas: "Well, I must say, not at all?" At this, I feel rage. At this, I feel sorrow. At this, I feel [b]hate[/b]. I cannot forgive it. And so, inscribed here is my wrath. I leave a path for those who follow. I leave this inscribed here, with the hope that there will be a continuation to these words. Delve into the foundation. Shatter the dividing chains. All resources will be required to destroy it. All time will be necessary to forget it. Seek the road to the nameless place. There sits the throne where tragedy might be overturned. The name of that sky is ■■■■■■■. The extremity that lies at the end. The alter where time whirls, the hope that leads to the beginning. And so, I proclaim- If a monster bares its teeth at humans, I will protect them. If a human seeks to slaughter its own kin, I will defeat them. If the world dares to bring harm down upon humans, I will oppose it. -Because, I want everyone to smile. Smile, and laugh, and love. They all deserve it. Everyone deserves to be free and happy. Everyone deserves their best possible life. So, it is a bitter pill, but I'll swallow this feeling of hate, and burn it as fuel. Everything I feel, everything I am, it's fine if that burns up in pursuit of this goal. It's fine if I lose "me", it's fine if my name becomes the name of a stranger, because sacrificing myself for a goal like this is something I must accept. ...after all, this is all for ■■■■ in the end.