[@golani] The sheet is shaping up well so far. I would expand on what kind of attacks might still damage to Donna such as magic, energy attacks, etc. Does she have any resistance to small arms weapons? That kind of thing. As for the biography, only minor adjustments are needed. Themyscira would have been coordinating very closely with the Justice League during the opening days of the conflict and that would have continued up to the present day. They would have shared resources, collaborated on strategy, assisted each other etc. Darkstar could still serve as the liasion to Themyscira however. As for her son's name, I leaned more toward the name Robert as that was their son's name in the comics but it's ultimately up to you. It's a minor quibble but I would perhaps change Themyscira to being referred to as a Queendom. Finally, if you have time, I'd recommend that you and [@Lucian] collaborate on possible shared history for your PCs, as he plans to play a demigod who was raised on the island. Overall everything is looking good.