[@Sedjwick] Chiron galloped up the hill to the figure and the boy. It was Isaac, camper of two years and child of Athena. "Isaac my boy run to the house and get a cot ready." Chiron turned as he picked up the figure who turned out to be a boy not much older than sixteen he would have guessed. Odd how he showed up but regardless he was here now and he hasn't hurt anyone. Mist curled in tendrils out of the boy's clothes and Chiron winced. "That's not good. Redwood back to the house on the double. We need nectar and ambrosia!" Redwood had been on his way up the hill when he had been asked to get the food and drink of the gods then changed directions heading towards the house. Chiron galloped off towards the house as well with a look of worry on his face.