[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/t6dh2plxt/5f17395adc79eddfe9f9f8fe9fccedc3.png[/img][hr][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/tj4v8poq9/giphy.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@mnkee][@LadyRunic][@Dragoknighte][@KazAlkemi][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][color=7bcdc8][b]Present Day - The Castle: December 21st, 12,507 - 2:30 PM [/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] Marya Magnisky looked at her legal guardian and just laughed. [color=7ea7d8]"Технички, ми нисмо криминалци док нас не ухвате,"[/color] Marya pointed out with a giggle. She then raised an eyebrow at the blonde who went and sat in the man's lap, noticing how bold he was. Even the bartender raised an eyebrow, before he served the two of them their drinks. [color=7ea7d8]"Зар нисте мало старији за њу, тата?"[/color] Marya then added with a smirk. [color=A6C1C3]"Потпуно се слажем с тим!"[/color] Medea said, starting to laugh at what her sister said. The man just rolled his eyes, [color=8dc73f]"B-B-Behave you two!"[/color] he managed to say, shaking his head at them. Medea was still snickering slightly at the whole situation. [color=7ea7d8]"Да ли бисте бар признали лепу девојку у крилу? Или сте наследили друштвене вештине вашег оца? Барем наши преци су знали како добити оно што желе,"[/color] Marya teased, smirking as the bartender brought her a [b]FizzFroot[/b] and she started to drink it. She knew there was a good chance that the Port Witch Coven was imploding at the moment and she figured Fleur, if she lived, would ask for an explanation. But in their defense, they [i]did[/i] need to eat if they ran constantly. They'd pass out otherwise. Medea kept cackling, and his face turned red. [color=A6C1C3]"Вероватно је наследио друштвене вјештине које би му биле потребне,"[/color] she added gleefully. He just shook his head, rubbing his eyes with a free hand and setting his glasses down on the bar, he took a deep breath, before addressing Myth. [color=8dc73f]"Uh, hi... My name is Bruce Banner..."[/color] he said, looking at her. [color=7ea7d8]"Досадно ми је. Хоћеш да се зезаш са Поинтбреаком?"[/color] Marya asked, nodding over towards Sylvi. She figured Bruce could use some time along with his new friend. She couldn't wait to tell his siblings about this. Or even better - his parents. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#9B30FF]Arya Rincewind[/color] & [color=ff0000]Myrus Silvers[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/d3w5cx09d/giphy.gif[/img][hr][color=#9B30FF][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Palace Lawns[/center][hr] Myrus seemed to calm as Cuyler approached him. Although he was a prince and not a frightened animal, he responded in a similar way to Cuyler's calm body language. Myrus was trying his best to keep steady breaths as he wrung his hands, the mutterings stopping for the moment and he was able to speak clearly, for the most part. [color=ff0000]"V-Valda...Sh-she's going to kill Valda..."[/color] Myrus sobbed. [color=ff0000]"A-a-and L-Luna...A-and the...the ExtraOrdinary Wizard...A-and the Chief Hermetic Scribe...A-and the Wendron Witches...A-and me..."[/color] Arya was watching Myrus, transfixed with what had happened. She hadn't seen such raw potential before - and it did not feel like [b]Magyk[/b] to her. She would have [b]Sensed[/b] it and beyond witchcraft, the Royal Family never showed any [b]Magykal[/b] aptitude. It was something to do with their violet eyes, she was certain. They refused to tinge green. She was about to say something when out of the corner of her eye, Atkin was covered in purple velvet. She smiled slightly at the sight, though her smile faded when she considered it could have been a result of nerves. [color=#9B30FF]"I think purple looks far better on me, don't you agree Atkin?"[/color] Arya said softly, before she cast a [b]Reverse[/b] and set Atkin's clothing back to normal. She had walked over with Cuyler and Valda to see Myrus, doing a quick [b]MindRead[/b] in an attempt to figure out what was wrong with him. However, her concentration was broken as she heard Thalia utter the word [i]mutant.[/i] [color=#9B30FF]"Rowland, have you ever heard of such a thing?"[/color] she asked quietly. Rowland pondered it for a moment, before he shook his head. "I recall reading it in one tome or another at the Manuscriptorium, yet its meaning escapes me..." [color=#9B30FF]"Very well. All the more reason to go consult Uncle Marcellus - I mean, Mr. Dumont,"[/color] Arya said, correcting herself. Her mother had been rather close friends with the Chief Hermetic Scribe and had introduced him to Arya at a young age. She hadn't been able to quite manage to say [i]Marcellus[/i] when she was that little, so for a time, she called him [i]Uncle Marcie.[/i] As often as Rowland came to visit her family during her one month a year of vacation time during her apprenticeship, Marcellus sometimes seemed to be a constant fixture. He was her mother's best friend, after all. [color=ff0000]"...She called me a mutant..."[/color] Myrus whispered, having calmed down since Cuyler came over and talked to him. It seemed to have almost completely snapped him out of it, just having someone approach him gently. He looked at Valda with confusion, searching for answers in her face. [color=ff0000]"Valda...Am I going to die?"[/color] Myrus then asked quietly, his eyes watering. He was terrified and didn't understand what was happening to him. Asha spoke with Emperor Taj softly, before she ran after Lyra and the others who were going inside to secure the child. When they reached Lyra's room at the Servant Headquarters, the door was hot to the touch and swung open gently. Inside, surrounded by flames, was a happy gurgling baby dragon. It then seemed to sneeze and there was a [i]poof[/i] and it looked like a human baby. "...It's a shapeshifter..." Asha whispered with wonder. "More a pyromaniac, if you ask me," Puck added, having apparently decided to tag along as well. [hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6iy7w3vyp/tenor.gif[/img][hr][h3][b][color=7bcdc8]The Port: Port Witch Coven House[/color][/b][/h3][/center][hr] As the fighting upstairs rages on, so does the bitter battle on the first floor. In medicine, the worst bacteria remains after treatment with antibiotics - the ones strong enough to remain and adapt, to survive despite the horrors. In a similar line of thought, so remained the one Port Witch on the first floor - [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/f863993092c333679ead471499dc0dcb/tumblr_mvk7i68LTc1re1pe5o3_r3_250.gif]Constance.[/url] She was the [b]Magykal[/b] equivalent of antibiotic resistant bacteria, at least as far as the Wendron Witches and the Young Army were concerned. "I don't think you were supposed to make it this far, girlie," Constance mused, concentrating as she opened a portal to the [b]Other[/b]. A disgusting creature, made of bones and spirits and yet somehow appearing to be a cohesive organism, practically oozed forward. It devoured Little-Bell and another Wendron Witch whole, before swallowing up Boy 604. There was only one Wendron Witch left on the bottom floor and Constance stared at her, before the girl took off and ran outside, crashing into Boy 512. "And stay out," Constance added, before slamming the door and beginning to work on repairing the wards, despite limping. Constance then looked around, seeing the [b]Other[/b] oozing through bodies and the gigantic mess the battle had left. "And I thought my son was a slob," she muttered. Back upstairs, Jadis felt the numbers of her Coven dwindle until there were only three of them left. She wagered a guess that one of them was Valda - and the other must have been some poor soul downstairs. Her eyes flickered over towards Amarantha, hearing her comment about being on a timeline, but she couldn't focus on that. Jadis had been [i]so[/i] certain that she was going to emerge victorious on this day - that the Port Witch Coven would no longer be a stain upon the world. And instead, she had lost just about everything. She'd need to rebuild from scratch, [b]CradleSnatch[/b] every girl on the streets she could find, convince Valda to let her steal away the Castle's children in order to return the Wendron Witches to their glory. But Jadis' pride would not allow her to flee. With her coven in ruin, she had another option available to her. The Port Witch Coven would have taken their children to safety - she had not seen them here. If she could just kill Fleur and locate the safehouse, then those children would be hers. Any surviving Port Witches would pledge loyalty to her as the new Witch Mother. "It's time to fulfill the prophecy," Jadis whispered, looking at Fleur who was struck with grief. She didn't particularly care about Luna at that moment. Others seemed to have that handle. "I will become the Witch Messiah," Jadis swore. There was a legend that one day, when the world was almost balanced between [b]Lyte[/b] and [b]Darke[/b], witches from all around would respond to the call of a single figure. This individual was blessed with all gifts of [b]Magyk[/b], causing even wizards to quake with fear at their might. "I sacrifice myself, heart and soul, to the Elder Gods - to the masters of [b]Magyk[/b] - the mothers of witches and warlocks - the beginning and the end," Jadis recited. She had no skill in [b]Darke Magyk[/b] but she knew the words of the prophecy - the words she needed to pledge in order to achieve the ultimate power. It was a [b]Magyk[/b] beyond any other. "Chthon, take me as your host!" Jadis shouted. [b]Magyk[/b] began coursing through her veins and there was a glow in her eyes, one that would blind any who looked at her. Jadis smirked, about to take a step forward towards Fleur when she cried out in pain. Her body began to wither away, until she turned to dust in front of Fleur's eyes and crumbled into a small pile on the ground. [color=7bcdc8][i]"...I always did say she was a rubbish witch,"[/i][/color] Nera's voice whispered in Fleur's ear. She had only [b]Appeared[/b] to Fleur thus far. No one else in the room could see her. Outside the house, [url=https://a.playmoss.com//uploads/images/o/r/g/org8081-15-g_680x1024_2-1_M.jpg]the wild haired woman[/url] looked at Luna for a moment, sizing her up. She could tell by her garb that she was noble and Harlianne couldn't help but frown with distaste. She hated nobility as a rule. They never brought about anything but trouble. [color=#0099cc]"How much gold we talkin', savvy?"[/color] the woman - Harlianne James - asked. She then glanced at the others who fell from the window, taking a step back as Amarantha and Rhys appeared. [color=#0099cc]"These mates of yours or somethin', little miss?"[/color]