[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180711/83ffab88daba5163a3e488b65c64b5eb.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/1Cdu8r25fJi3m/giphy.gif[/img] [/center] [color=#E0633C]‘Lost?’[/color] Jordan looked up from his timetable. There was nothing immediately obvious around him until he looked down into the face of a slender, petite girl with wild brown hair and her hands shoved deep in her pockets. [color=#6c2dff]‘Yeah, I guess,’[/color] he said, a little cautiously. It was a little weird for Jords meeting and talking to new people- he’d basically spent his whole life in the same school, with the same friends back in England and now it was a novel experience. It made him a little more nervous than he would have liked. [color=#E0633C]‘You have a good face.’[/color] Okay, that was definitely a little odd. His first experience of his new school was making him wonder if he’d accidentally wandered into a mental clinic. [color=#6c2dff]‘Uh.. thanks?’[/color] He wasn’t entirely sure what she meant by that, but it did sound like a compliment. She was the first person he’d talked to in the new school too- maybe it paid not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Even if they were very to-the-point. And she was cute, in a messy art-nerd kind of way. [color=#6c2dff]‘I’m sorta new to this school and I don’t really know where I’m going.. Do you know where Room B6 is? I’ve got English with Gomez there first and this place looks way too massive for me to wander around til I find it.’[/color] Hopefully he’d bumped into a fellow classmate and he wouldn’t have to be the friendless new kid for too long. @eclecticwitch fucks sake how do you tag