[h2]Isabelle d'Antibes[/h2] Leading the way, Isabelle seemed to have a specific destination in mind within the confines of Redrock. She followed a road that would have been busy in the light of a summer's day but now, this late and after dark, was practically deserted. Where, of course, would she be going but the amusement park? It avoided the potential disadvantage of trying to engage a natural hunter in a forest environment--one where both herself and Saber would stick out like sore thumbs--whilst maintaining plenty of cover in the event that their opponent preferred to engage in ranged conflict. There was also the bonus that at this time of night, such an environment would be almost completely deserted, but for the presence of security. It was unfortunate that it could not be guaranteed to be totally free of outside interference, but at least the risk of the general public being drawn into it was quite low... Naturally, the place was sealed tight during the night, the jaunty lighting turned off and the signs too dark to read. Not that it would be impossible to climb over, but Isabelle gestured for Saber to follow her alongside the fencing some distance away from the main entrance before turning her attention to the fence, concentrating as she sized it up... and cleanly jumping it. "Your thoughts on fighting in here, Saber?"