[b][u]Beric Vendal[/u][/b] [i][color=39b54a]That was well played,[/color][/i] Cassius remarked. [i][color=39b54a]Though you used too much of your power too early. Do try to be a bit more conservative in the future.[/color][/i] Beric grit his teeth, but he had to admit that the Trickster had a point. He was out of magic, so he had to fall back on the tried and true method of shooting his enemies from afar. But due to his winded state, he was at a slight disadvantage. At least he had a horse, and most of the mounted fighters had been dealt with, so there would be no trouble in escaping should it come to that. He notched an arrow, drew back the string, took aim, and loosed. The arrow embedded itself in the neck of one of the now-dismounted horsemen, who had just been picking himself off the ground to join the fight on foot. A few seconds later, Beric loosed another arrow, and it embedded itself into the back of another former horseman. The man staggered, but he did not collapse - his armour appeared to have prevented it from being lethal. Whether or not it actually wounded him was something that could not be determined at this distance. At the very least, it got the soldier's attention. The soldier turned and snarled at Beric, before charging toward him. A stupid move, considering that Beric was dismounted, while the former-horseman was not. Beric drew another arrow, and this time aimed low. The arrow struck the man just above the knee, in the unarmoured gap between greave and chainmail, which caused him to cry out and fall to the ground. Of the six horseman Beric had either killed or unhorsed, only one still stood, and he was running to join his comrades in the melee at the camp. Smirking, Beric sent an arrow into the back of his knee. [i][color=39b54a]You take pride in this,[/color][/i] Cassius observed. Beric nodded, his smirk growing in to a full on grin. He had been about to say something when he noticed the man he had shot in the thigh struggle to his feet. [color=f7941d]"Why won't you die?"[/color] Beric grumbled. This time, however, the man did not insist on a foolhardy charge - instead he limped towards the woods in a desperate attempt to escape. It would not save him. Beric spurred his horse forward, and swung his axe into the back of the man's helmet, knocking him out. Three dead, and three who were either dying or disabled. Not bad. Not bad at all.