Sorry it's a day late, but it's time for the day 7 callouts. On the hero side we have [@Gardevoiran][@Lugubrious][@solokolos][@t2wave][@LemonZest1337] and on the villain side we have [@Gardevoiran][@Spiffy]. For the heroes I know some of you are still working out the overall strategy to get through this extremely precarious and dangerous situation, and that's fine. Just try not to make us wait for too long. Lugs, let me know if you still want to hold off with Elliot handling the civilians. Captain Morales is still on the same job himself right now so it's fine if you want him to still be directing their evac. Alternatively, you can return to the main fight, or you can have some skirmishes with more thugs outside and/or request I throw something your way while he's separated from the group. As for the villain side of things, Spiffy I know you're still waiting on a response from Affliction, which will come from me shortly now that he's a NPC. Alright, y'all have got 5 more days. Break!