[center][h3][color=B0C4DE][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180415/8766bcbe72dc86096741efaec737debc.png[/img][/color][/h3][/center] [center] [sub] Bride of Keregar [@Legion02]; and sister bride of Nadia [@Vesuvius00][/sub][/center] “[b]You better make me enjoy it. Oh and if it wasn’t clear yet, neither of you whisper even a word about this. Or you’ll learn what the definition of Wrath is.[/b]” She didn’t blame Nadia. How could she? What could the Gem have done? Stopped him? Gone for help? It was easier to pretend it didn’t happen. That she didn’t...that she wasn’t…. That she didn’t walk down the hall to replace the clothing that she lost. That she didn’t scrub her skin raw to get rid of the feeling of Kieran’s hands on her body. The fact that she didn’t put on every article of clothing she could, if it meant covering her skin just a little bit more. That she didn’t lay in bed, covered in blankets despite the ever rising temperature. That it wasn’t the fear that Kieran would remain behind as well that pulled her from her bed when Keregar called. --------- “[b]We are going to wander the market. If you see anything you want, clothes or jewels or whatever you like, you tell me,[/b]” Xaelia face tightened in pain as she was helped down from the horse. Her walk was careful, slower than usual. The entire time she chose to remain well with in Keregar’s line of vision. Well out of arm’s reach. But Keregar seemed to be the best defense against his hoard. The group cut through the crowd on foot very much in the same way as the did on horses. Giving very little head towards a space already being occupied if it was the quickest way to their destination. None of the wares drew any real attention from her. Half heartedly reaching out to take hold of something only to drop it a moment later. She heard someone talking, but the question had already been finished before Xaelia realised that it was Nadia talking and that her words were directed towards her. “[color=B0C4DE]Uh huh[/color],” Said Xae distractedly, her hands vaguely brushing Nadia’s words away, hoping that he answer was enough to placate her. But she kept talking. Xae nodded, and made a sound every once in a while, but her vacant expression made it clear that she wasn’t understanding anything that was being said to her. A small look of longing flashed across Xaelia’s face as they passed an open tent selling foods of every kind. Meat hissed over a grill and fruits hung from long poles. Her mouth open as though she had worked up to courage to ask her husband for something, only to pause, a look of horror filling her face as she pulled her hand back and closed her mouth. The slightly vacant look returning as they passed it by, entering the areas that Nadia had been speaking of before. There was a commotion nearby, some of the people who had been shoved passed earlier by Keregar’s caravan seemed to think that they would fare better against the war lord now. One of the thugs took a swing at one of the twins. The battle caught like fire, spreading through the people in the roads, the merchants, she even saw a fair few who had been minding their own business pointedly run down the block to join in the fighting, unconcerned for sides or reasons. But all that meant for Xae was that Keregar was distracted. That he was far too busy to see anything his children did. She pulled herself back into a tent with every intention of hiding until the fighting ended, only to back straight into a hulking drakkan. He was younger than Keregar, perhaps slightly older than Kieran. She let out a small noise of fear. “[color=B0C4DE]S-sorry,[/color]” She turned, caught between the unfamiliar new drakkan and the fighting going on behind her. “[color=B0C4DE]I just.. I-Zeldria[/color]?” Her eyes focused on the gem standing near the drakkan she bumped into. It didn’t matter that she had only met the girl once before. It didn’t matter that they weren’t friends or anything. She was a familiar face. A familiar face that didn’t know anything that had happen. She lept, tossing her arms around the girl and hugging her close, probably longer than was wanted or needed. For Zeldria. For Xae it was all needed. [hider=TLDR] Post Kieran. Mild greyness. Bumping into Ineraz [@silverpaw] and hugging Zeldria [@Saltwater Thief] [/hider]