[@KatherinWinter][@LightningMaiden][@Searat][@blueflame] [color=0087BD][center][h3]Rost[/h3][/center][/color] The scholarly agent followdled wordlessly behind The Director, carrying his grimoir under one arm; he would worry about returning it to the library vault after the meeting. He took a seat at the table across from Argus, placing the bueavy book in front of him and crossing his arms on top of it. [color=a0410d][center][h3]Argus[/h3][/center][/color] [color=a0410d]"If you'll excuse the interruption, Director, isn't this your fault? You sent an untested team of individuals with no prior history of cooperation into the field under the leadership of someone who has never been placed in a position of command."[/color] Argus stated bluntly, [color=a0410d]"That includes two untrained rookies, one of which was only hired yesterday. Until this operation, we have always operated under a structure of a single field agent per assignment. No adjustment period, no team building exercises, not even trust falls."[/color] he leaned back on his seat, staring at the director dead-on, [color=a0410d]"The minute someone who is actually trained in leadership and tactics showed up, things went off without a hitch. These agents are perfectly capable of working together effectively, you just need to give them someone to rally behind and show them the way; or at the very least send us to a team building seminar."[/color] the Djinn agent was well aware he was likely to be in deep shit for his comments, but he had dealt with enough bureaucratic finger pointing in his life to know warnings and reprimands wouldn't get them anywhere. [color=a0410d]"Before you go pointing fingers about who's being unprofessional, you should probably take a look at how you organized the deployment."[/color]