[h2][center][b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b][/center][/h2] Since the start of the year of 1905, the approval of the Itheraen Government had dropped by a staggering amount, bringing the approval rating to the lowest Itherae had seen since the rule of King Atticus the Terrible over a hundred years ago. Queen Athena’s stunt coupled by policies set by the Supra Dobranie had clearly upset the people, leading to the founding of Maniatism, in August 4th of 1905, which wanted to overturn the monarchy and cleanse Itherae of its ‘impurities’. While it had a small following, it was still a worrying sight right outside of the Supra Dobranie for the young queen. In a response, Queen Athena would summon representatives of every class of people in Itherae; including farmers, staunch democrats, those below poverty, the middle class, even those who followed a religion merely listed as ‘Other’ in the national census. Every representative would be called to be heard before both Queen Athena and Prime Minister Gregorio Netaxis, as well as the Supra Dobranie to discuss laws and policies that would better the people as a whole. This would be later known as the ‘Athena Doctrine’ in 1929, due to the effort to raise this approval of the government. While the representatives were being selected, Queen Athena would take a trip through the country to meet these representatives and hold a brief rally to reassure the people of government. These rallies varied in topics, but all had a very common idea, the strength of the Itheraen people and the patriotism of the Itheraen spirit. There was no mention of the Queen’s ‘running for Prime Minister’ as her script writers had made sure to omit those facts as well as vigorous words from her advisors to even mention the event to avoid further embarrassment to both herself, the crown, and her father’s legacy. To the surprise of her advisors, she followed this and avoid a singular mention of the event, whether it was due to the backlash of the press or the words of her advisors, none would know. In total there were over three-hundred representatives that had been gathered, except for any representative of the Maniatism ideology due to reasons of not being officially recognized by the government. In accordance to royal doctrine set in 1678, all representatives were searched for weapons by the Royal Guard and all were confiscated until the end of the meeting. There were reports that had stated that the meeting had lasted over a week with many different issues being brought to light, ranging from farmer’s disputes to women’s suffrage. All issues were recorded in a book named the ‘Ekdídei Nómous,” which would be translated as ‘Issue of Laws’ or ‘Issuing Laws’. [center][img]http://ukrmap.su/images/uh10b/uh10_6_files/clip_image012.jpg[/img] [sup][i]The Queen holding a rally in the town of Ankli, 1905[/i][/sup][/center] (+1 to all Orders)