[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/74AFFyy.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/356885391690825732/466796551457603585/image.jpg?width=468&height=468[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/5yt849wJyVk?t=81]Yeek yeek woop woop! why you all in my ear?! Talking a whole bunch of shit That I ain't trying to hear! Get back motherfucker! You don't know me like that![/url] [color=AD3434]•• ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━ ••●•• ━━ ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ••[/color][/center] Life was abruptly ripped away from her, blindsided like a school bus turning her paraplegic, Ximena felt the firm grip of the boy behind her tear into her skin. The grip was anything but the right kind of domination she was into. Her body was jerked towards him, her eyes catching his perturbed face. It seemed she really managed to get underneath his skin, his skin tinged red with anger and a shaking she could feel coarse through her body. Anger of her own boiled and stewed deep inside her, her perfectly plucked eyebrows furrowed in retaliation. If her years of self-defense classes taught her anything it was she didn’t fear bullies like Johnny here. The amount of tension he had place on her arm would give her the perfect opportunity to use his own energy against him, should she go for the chop chop chop judo flip and embarrass him in front of everyone? No, that was too good for this wannabe film director, not everyone with a camera and no film degree was as talented as Quentin Tarantino. That just left the only other option that she knew and rehearsed all too well, the victim. Her tear jerking performances on screen would come to life here and be no different. Her angered face flashed the boy a devilish smile to warn him what was to come, it was already too late for him he signed his death sentence. Her face immediately turned into one of pain, she started crying in pain as she fell to her knees. [color=AD3434]“Ow ow ow, stop you’re hurting me!”[/color] she said in an exasperated breathe, [color=AD3434]“Andres help m…”[/color] she trailed off as tears as natural as day began to slide down the side of her face. Her clothes had been ruffled and half torn off from the fall and the grip that remained on her shoulder. The boy dropped her like a bad habit and turned in his self-triumph to wherever it was he thought he could go when school was starting shortly. You see Johnny wasn’t the only one with a camera that was recording, with a school as high end as this one there would be camera littered around every entrance of the school, all XiXi would have to do is appeal the nature of the vice principal or principal for that matter and show them the evidence. Before her act could go any further a radiant female with dark hair and piercing blue eyes showed up in the fray. A new challenger had appeared, maybe this school wasn’t going to be as boring as her last.