Alice sank back into her former seat on the bed as Liza began to make something. Her green eyes curious as she gave a small prim huff of disapproval. "A soiled dress that I made to establish my style and skills. It's a walking advertisement." There was a sly look to the tailor as she studied Liza. The older vampire had the body and the look to model for her, and it was a topic Alice had pointed out several times over in the last week. Thought there appeared to be a whole host of creatures that stalked the night, something that worried Alice. But as she dwelled upon Liza's comment about her shop may taking more than a decade to gain back, the woman fell quiet. This was for two reasons. One was the curiosity of what her benefactor was doing with the bird meat and the blood. The other bit was the simple fact that Alice was plotting. Her slim fingers tapping softly as she mussed, her green eyes watching but her mind elsewhere. Plucking thread and fabric and piercing an idea. "Are there many Nightcreatures?" The woman asked suddenly, standing in a single smooth motion as she strode over to the table. Plucking a pen from the desk and a clean sheet of paper. The pen swirling across the page in a formal address as Alice's practiced hand slowly wrote out a invoice for the damaged dress. Declaring the thing beyond salvageable but of no great loss as it had been a minor piece. Thus she marked it's price to be just enough to cover the materials- and not the time- it had taken to make it. The price was low and quite reasonable. However there was no sway in the fact the tailor expected the damages to paid for for. As though it was the most grievous of crimes. Folding the paper so that it could not be read without breaking the tape Alice placed over it. Her signature carefully written out as the seal. The front was addressed to merely '[i]Aleera of the Silver Dress[/i]'. Withing the invoice was a note as well, apologizing for the lack of a proper seal and complimenting the woman on her 'darling' outfit this note far more private and friendly than the tailor's invoice. But it was as Alice had stated, this was business. More however it was her life's work. "If you could deliver that to Dalton and see to it he delivers it lest I decide to take him to task for manhandling me?" The woman stated with a firm note in her voice the only entered when clothes were involved. Her eyes slowly moved back to Liza as the pen was carefully put away. "And I believe, it is time for me to learn the basics of defense at least. It seems- and would I be correct in presuming?- that fighting will be a common thing among this new world?" Her green eyes showed fear at what she was asking, but there was a idea at work. She had lost her ability to return to her old life for a time. So she would start her business a new and so it would begin in understanding the needs of other immortals for their choice of clothing. Human fashion was a quick and fleeting thing, something Alice could keep up with easily. "If I can't return to the Timeless, than I shall remake it again. It would not be the first time I have had to do such." No, it would be the second. The first time her money had been taken from her by her mother and father in her youth. Nothing special to it, just a teenager's bad luck to have parents who thought merely of the future [i]they[/i] desired.