After spending quite a few weeks with no internet connection, I thought to check in here. Please send me a PM once this "new Divinus" goes into the Interest Check phase, I'd love to participate in the future! I don't even mind it if I end up having to play a simple mortal due to being late. Just remember to let me know, ol' friends. Also, I think one of the problems with Divinus in general is its biggest strength. It's too good of a sandbox. Once you play it out and achieve the things you wanted to achieve, there's little point in continuing to write. Maybe we could add some sense of purpose to the new iteration? Like, all Gods arrived at the new world after escaping from some insanely powerful/destructive event/faction/entity? Could hint at the need to build up the new world into something capable of defending itself against this threat. Or maybe the Gods forget about the threat and it eventually comes back later to mess things up. Just a way to add an endgame to things, a place where it'd feel good to end the greatness that Divinus always is.