[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/nPvADo/Capture_d_cran_2018_01_03_4.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180722/3c3b949310e53fb25935ebea1389aff5.png[/img] E0633C[/center] [center]What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning. -Chuck Grassley [/center] [center]_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] [color=662d91][b]"I’m sorta new to this school and I don’t really know where I’m going.. Do you know where Room B6 is? I’ve got English with Gomez there first and this place looks way too massive for me to wander around til I find it."[/b][/color] Oh. Lovely. She had been right, another newbie. She hoped she wouldn’t say anything dumb. It seemed like she had done well so far. If she could get through the day without saying at least five dumb, mean things she would call that a win. Or, if she did say something cruel, she hoped he maybe wouldn’t notice. Unlikely. He had an accent. Her American way might cause offense. [color=E0633C][b]“Gross. I’m sorry,” [/b][/color]she said in response to his statement about Gomez. She wrinkled her nose and frowned. [color=E0633C][b]“Me too. I’ll take you.”[/b][/color] At his statement about the school seeming huge she raised her eyebrows and a more pleasant and surprised look adorned her features. [color=E0633C][b]“I’ve been in houses bigger than our school,” [/b][/color]she said in soft amazement. She turned breifly to study the building. She had felt the school was a good, normal size. Then, she hadn’t been to other schools. Maybe plebian schools were tiny. She looked back to him and her eyes drifted up and down his body before meeting his face again. [color=E0633C][b]“You’re huge. That’s so strange you think it is big.”[/b][/color] She was tiny and didn’t feel so daunted by the halls. Then again. She wasn’t new. Bea tried to think back to when she was a freshman, just as tall then as she was now. She couldn’t recall thinking a sentiment anything like that. She shrugged and turned on her heel. [color=E0633C][b]“Follow me.” [/b][/color] Beatrice walked quite fast for her short stature. She had to keep up with all the tall, long legged people in her life so a fast paced walk was natural. In through the huge double doors and into a giagantic entryway. She loved that new school smell. They repainted all the walls and waxed all the floors. It was a chemical, clean sort of smell. It was the smell of new beginnings. She did not stop in the entryway and instead headed forward through a set open double doors. The hallway was a much more reasonable size. It only took a couple of turns before she was outside of the classroom door. [color=E0633C][b] “I suggest sitting in the middle. He keeps an eye on the back because that’s where the troublemakers sit. In the front you are in his line of vision to answer questions. Middle is safe.”[/b][/color] Bea found her place just off left to the center and set her book bag down. From it she pulled a sketchbook and a box of pencils – colored and graphite. She began a neat sketch, working quickly. Once done she used a permanent marker to make outlines and numbers. Lastly she wrote her telephone number on the top right corner along with ‘Bea.’ Her hand writing was neat and tidy, swirling in a slanted artistic style. She tore the paper from her sketch book and handed it to him. The paper held a map of the school. All the hallways and levels neatly marked out to show him where his classes would be. On the back she had forgotten she had drawn a scene from the shopping center downtown. It depected the little boutiques, flowers, trees, and fountain that lived there. She didn’t mind. It had merely been a rough sketch. [color=E0633C][b]“If you need something feel free to text. But you’re pretty enough you’ll find friends soon.” [/b][/color] She offered him a small, shy smile before she went back to her sketch pad to start drawing again.