[center]Baeshri Hills - Crags[/center] In the time it took for the attack to happen Ellorei's eyes began to white, her pupil and her irises gone. The young druid released a sharp war cry as in these seconds she looked as though she became possessed by a spirit. Ellorei was not practiced in much, but the young druid had grown up with the elements as friends so much so calling upon their aid was easy as moving a limb and for the briefest of moments she missed dancing with her tribe and the elements. The young woman made a wave of her staff and at that moment wind began to manifest itself becoming almost visible as myti and the arrow became encapsulated in a prison made of wind. Her red hair floated about her, it looked as if the wind was almost playing with the strands as the druid herself stood unmoving. Waiting for the myti to make its next move. Ellorei was vehemently against taking a life. However, she also knew when justice was due if this was one of the attackers, these people deserved that justice.