Marcus watches the medic's practiced hands fixing Virum for a moment before losing interest. He snorted at Virum's comment to Gorchek, he spun on his heel to find an adequate spot for his own trinket. Wondering a bit further off from the rest, Marcus surveyed the various trinkets and stepped over any dead bodies that happened upon his path. Marcus stopped near the edge of where the atmosphere fromt he ship ended. He crouched down and fished out the bullet casing, peering at it between his fingers briefly. It glinted in the sunlight as he turned it over, and Marcus felt a twinge of something genuine for a split second. Marcus nestled the bullet in the dirt and decided to look over the other trinkets left behind. He wondered if anything would be valuable enough to trade off. Marcus kicked around in the dust for a bit until he spotted something golden glinting underneath a pile of dirt. Marcus swept it up, examining it further. It was a rather fancy pocket watch, intricate engravings along it's golden edges. He knew he probably shouldn't take it, especially after Gorchek had specifically warned everyone not to. But, hey, old habits die hard. At least that's what Marcus thought to himself as he stuffed the watch into his jacket's inside pocket, only after making sure no one was paying attention to the young man. Satisfied with his contribution, Marcus decided he had enough of all the dust and dirt and rejoined the others at the foot of the hill to wait for everyone finished with their own offerings.