[@KatherinWinter][@Blueflame][@Searat][@LightningMaiden] [color=a0410d][center][h3]Argus[/h3][/center][/color] [color=a0410d]"I don't remember being invited to any team building exercises."[/color] Argus responded bluntly, half-glaring at the Director, [color=a0410d]"Anyways, when you're handing out those black marks on our permanent records keep in mind that I'm the only reason that mission wasn't a total failure. I'd rather not have to go back to wearing a tracking bracelet all the time because my first real outing had gone to shit before I even got there."[/color] [color=0087BD][center][h3]Rost[/h3][/center][/color] [color=0087BD]"If I may, Director."[/color] Rost interjected, raising one hand, [color=0087BD]"Perhaps in your haste to improve upon our ability to respond to larger threats, you neglected to take a few details into account."[/color] he offered politely, [color=0087BD]"For instance, Amaya has been with us for less than two days, and according to her recruitment file was previously living in near-total isolation. Someone with her background would have a natural aversion to those in positions of authority, regardless of ancestral feuds. She has no knowledge of field tactics, and yet is expected to follow procedures? That hardly seems fair."[/color] the scribe continued, gesturing towards the water elemental, [color=0087BD]"Griffin, despite his age, has no experience in leadership. He is no natural leader, but given time he could easily learn the skills; yet he was thrust into a position of command with no warning or time to prepare, and given charge of individuals whose skills he did not know how to utilize; purely on the hope he would turn out to be a natural leader."[/color] he nodded towards the vampire, [color=0087BD]"Richard, I believe, does indeed have military training, and based on the field reports followed orders admirably once a trained commanding officer arrived on scene. Prior to that he was left to his own devices and, as is the natural instinct of any man, relied upon his prior experience as a medic."[/color] Rost stopped to catch his breath before returning his attention to the Director, [color=0087BD]"Mistakes were made, yes, but I feel that going so far as to strike marks against these agents for them is unfair; as you yourself made the mistake of assuming Griffin would be a natural leader, and did not establishing a formal chain of command. Agents were not given assignments based on their individual skillsets or experience, they were simply set loose with a blanket order and expected to complete their mission flawlessly. Simply put, no form of coordination was put in place in the event your natural leader failed to appear."[/color]