[@Dusksong][@LuckyBlackCat][@Zarkun][@Cerces22] Hey everyone, I have some semi-bad news. I need to take about a month off from this RP. I'm so close to finishing my first full length novel, and there are other things going on in my life as well that need attention. I know, "We've already been going slow for over a month now." Well, I apologize for that; it's my responsibility as GM to nudge the RP along when it gets bogged down, and I have failed there. But now, we are taking an "[i][b]official[/b][/i]" break. I hope that everyone has become invested enough in this story that, when the time comes, we can pick up where we left off without much trouble. [i][b]With much love, I say THANK YOU! [/b][/i]