To all those that have already created a character sheet: [@King Cosmos][@neogreggory][@Chev], And to all those that haven't, but HAVE shown interest: [@DocTachyon][@Tenma Tendo][@GarlandDaHero][@Sketcher], And to all those that may be reading this for the first time, I would like to put an official window up for when this RP will start. I have a lot going on in life at the moment, and I am so close to finishing my first full length novel. SO, I'm thinking that I'm going to give this RP two months breathing room, for accepting new characters. In this time, I will check on this RP regularly for the expressed purpose of approving new characters. Even if you already have a main character, you may still apply for side characters, but only submit one for approval at a time. If you have not yet submited a main character, you have two months to do so. At the end of these two months, I [b][i]SHOULD[/i][/b] be finished with my novel (at least as far as a first self edited draft is concerned). At that point, this RP will close to new users. Only those that have got a main character submitted will be allowed to help me fill the rest of the roster with side characters. [b]Thank you all! Sorry I can't be more hands on for a while, but I hope everyone is still excited for this grand tournament adventure![/b]