[center] [h2] [color=008B8B] Ineraz Evrenarth [/color] [/h2] [sub] [b]Husband of:[/b] Sera [@Pupperr] and Zeldria [@Saltwater Thief] [b]Interacting (briefly) with:[/b] His brides, Xae [@Ellion] and Keregar [@Legion02][/sub] [/center] As they continued wandering the marketplace, Ineraz bought several supplies that would most likely go to Terva, though he’d have to take some to Kereg-Kor as well if that is where he ended up going. He procured two pairs of riding breeches for his brides, despite the hardships he had finding them in the correct size. At least they [i]were[/i] available – unlike the leather Gem-sized armour he hadn’t been able to find. They also made a stop to get Zeldria a cloak of her own, and Ineraz watched on in silence as his brides briefly interacted. He didn’t think they would ever get to be friends but as long as they were decently able to cohabit with each other, he honestly didn’t care too much what their relationship was. Of course, it would be quite [i]interesting[/i] if he could get to enjoy them at the same time, but he wasn’t fussy enough to force or even encourage it. Especially not when he thought Sera was warming up to the idea of sleeping with him. [i]Willingly.[/i] Ineraz quirked his lips in a small satisfied smile which soon transformed into a grimace as he rolled his shoulders, and the still present blazing pain in his back reminded him that he wouldn’t exactly be fully able of any such activity in the near future. After this latest purchase, Ineraz led his group onto one of the main streets, and it was as if they had crossed some invisible boundary keeping a war zone from overflowing into the relative tranquility of the usual drakken businesses still operating entirely normally elsewhere. Literally the whole street was involved in some sort of a brawl, Drakken pushing each other, pounding on each other, and plenty with their weapons already drawn were charging whomever was closest. Ineraz scanned the battlefield, and almost instantly noted the Warlord of Kereg-Kor and his well-equipped entourage. The Warlord seemed to be in the centre of the fight, and if Ineraz had to offer a guess, the cause of it. Obviously, the entire street-full of Drakken must have been either addlebrained or drunk enough to believe that they could take on the vastly older and more experienced Drakkan, and win. Just as Ineraz set his right hand on the hilt of his sword with a nasty glare full of distaste directed at the crowd, he saw Sera getting knocked over by some random Drakkan in his periphery. With a feral snarl, Ineraz drew his weapon and slashed at the male. The imbecile had been trying to get to the core of the battle and had been distracted enough to get his leg cut away from him. [color=008B8B][i]Idiot.[/i][/color] Ineraz felt rather righteous as he stood over the Drakkan, who with a gasp first turned to him then to his profusely bleeding thigh. The felled male looked at him in astonishment, slowly blinking as if he couldn’t believe what had just happened. Ineraz sneered at him and put him out of his misery. He then flicked his blade in irritation to get most of the blood off and re-sheathed it. He had to give himself a moment to breathe and calm his flaming back. After that, Ineraz turned to Sera, who was still on the ground, and offered her his hand. When she accepted, he picked her up – almost effortlessly despite his back trying valiantly to kill him with the fiery aching – and brushed her off. Whether there was actual dust on her or he simply wanted to touch his possession to make sure she was still whole and healthy was anyone’s guess. It seemed like he wanted to do more, but just then another Gem practically knocked into him out of nowhere. Ineraz noted that if she had been a trained fighter, he would have likely been killed already due to being caught unawares. It would have been brilliant too – which Drakkan could possibly expect a Gem to come in charging for the kill? As it was however, the girl stammered out an apology, then threw herself at Zeldria, whom she obviously knew. Ineraz frowned at the pair and assessed his surroundings yet again. His group and Keregar’s were now almost side by side. It was safe to assume that the tanned, brown-haired, and brown-eyed Gem was actually Keregar’s. Ineraz decided to help protect her for the time being. [color=008B8B] “Zeldria, Sera,”[/color] he growled lowly at them meaningfully. [color=008B8B]“Take cover by the wagon. Sera, feel free to burn any Drakkan trying to get close. Try not to inconvenience our allies though,”[/color] he gestured to Keregar’s group which was close-by and engaging pretty much everyone else. [color=008B8B]“You girl,”[/color] he hissed at the Gem stranger. [color=008B8B]“Either return to your master or stick close. [i]And don’t die[/i],”[/color] he briefly glared at her. [color=008B8B]“Nor,”[/color] he stated as if to the air, but the black hound’s ears perked in attention. [color=008B8B]“Guard,”[/color] he told the beast, pointing him at the Gems. The hulking black beast, followed by a slighter grey hound, ambled towards the Gem trio, to protect them from any Drakken wishing them harm. Senn, the only Drakkan guard Ineraz had with him for this venture, was already standing with his weapon drawn at the wagon’s flank, attacking any approaching troublemakers to keep them away from the goods. The sandy beige and dark brown hounds were still with the guard, and snapped aggressively at enemy Drakken, helping Senn chase them away. Ineraz took this opportunity, when most of the brawlers were still focused on Keregar, to run to the wagon, climb up on its roof, take his bow from where it had hung over his back, and begin picking off the Drakkan one by one from his relatively safe vantage point. Though every single shot further aggravated his injured back, Ineraz kept at it. He was irritated enough that he didn’t even care how many Drakken were scared away from the combat zone and how many were killed on the spot, their life forfeited due to a petty little fight. [center][b]~[/b][/center] Some half-hour later, when the street was much bloodier and littered with corpses alongside the still living, and the assailants had either been scattered or slain, the skirmish was finally finished. Ineraz put the bow back around his back, still perched on the wagon, and stretched. His back protested at this action. Several of the cuts there had opened, and he could tell that his bandages were getting soaked in blood, though thankfully it was unlikely that that would be visible over the leather vest he wore over the (probably now bloody) shirt. His arrows had been mostly depleted during the battle, but as it was for a good cause, he did not mind. After wiping the sweat off his brow, Ineraz hopped back down. He checked on his brides, hovering by them while he ascertained whether they needed tending or not. Finally, he turned and walked the short distance towards Keregar. [color=008B8B]“Warlord.”[/color] Ineraz greeted the older Drakkan with a feral little grin, unable to help his delight even though his back could probably serve as a furnace right now. [color=008B8B]“Not a bad way to meet,”[/color] he smirked and nodded at the felled Drakken, their blood steadily seeping down the path of least resistance, flowing into the gutters and getting into all the little cracks and fissures, but also slowly drying to a darker crimson. [color=008B8B]“What do you want with me, then?”[/color] Ineraz asked this curiously, his query honest and to the point but not without respect. He kept his gaze focused on the Warlord, ignoring the other's brides even though one of them had kind of assaulted Zeldria. [Hider=Summary] Thinks about his brides. Watches 'em. Spends more money. Finds Keregar! Gets involved in a street-wide fight. Kills the jerk who knocked Sera over. Advises his brides to take cover and encourages Sera to burn the bastards. Tells Xae to either get back where she came from or stay under his protection while they kill some Drakken. Snipes off NPCs from his wagon like a boss. Speaks to Keregar.[/hider]