As the group approached the partial collapse Bailey leveled her weapon, pointing it down the train carriage and stepped carefully forward until she was level with the Paladin. She dropped down on her right knee into a more stable firing position keeping a vigilant watch into the darkness ahead, It's hard not to notice the Damp, Musty smell of the Pre-War tunnels she could smell it even through the suits filter system. She knew that if the Tunnels were anything like the ones in D.C then they'll be infested with Ghouls and with this high level of radiation there would likely be more than one of the highly dangerous "Glowing Ones" as the Wastelanders called them. The Enclave assigned alphanumeric designations to wasteland flora and fauna. Looking into the darkness ahead she can't help but remember the many patrols she spent in the tunnels under the D.C area, The one that killed her brother, the one that took her to the abandoned White House and the operations to seal the tunnels under the Purifier. The death of her brother sticks with her the most cause that was the only member of family she saw die with her own eyes, her sister's body was never recovered after the Vertibird Crash and her parents are assumed dead in Raven Rock. She shakes her head as if to clear her mind and focuses back on the task at hand and the potential threats lurking in the shadows ahead.