[color=00aeef]Artur[/color] A dilapidated sandstone obelisk towered over the rubble the of the ancient academy, it's majesty now existing solely in Artur's memory. However, there was no time to reminisce on a time long past because the were pressing questions to address in the present. In the time of Artur's life, Kain was still a fledgling empire with its capital resting adjacent to the coast and a mighty river: The Damyat. If the river still held water he could follow it downstream to civilization, though how people would react to seeing him now was uncertain to say the least. Using the position of the rising sun he could navigate his way east and to his memory, he would eventually intercept the Damyat river. He began his journey over the shifting sands, a great ocean of dunes sprawled behind him. The sun bore down relentlessly on everything in sight and if Artur had flesh and blood the unbearable heat would make quick work of him. For half a day he trekked the wastes, gradually wildlife began to appear peppered across his path, the hardier breeds of lizards and scorpions. Then he saw cacti and larger game, a fox and snakes. Then the landscape grew more lively with swaths of golden grass appearing in greater abundance as he made his way forward. Soon the barren, rocky sand gave way to patches of flora, the beginnings of the great plains. Not far off his path he spotted the Damyat, a more shallow crossing judging by the packs of lazy crocodiles lounging by the riverbed. Then in the distance, on the opposite side of the crossing, he could make out the silhouette of three large shapes all at least four times his height judging by the distance and shapes. The shapes lumbered forward, and staying relatively out of sight Artur could make out three massive elephants with piles of cargo strapped to thier backs. On each elephant was seated a figure wrapped in tan cloth with what looked like javelins secured neatly by their sides. Then marching along the sides of the great beasts were five camel riders with spears, swords, and bows. Artur remained unspotted by all the riders. He could make contact, follow them, or simply let them pass.