[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]Update[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr][hr] [hider=Arnco Mills - Ash, Riley, Jack, Tiffany Sharpsburg - Ray, Amelia 7/26/18 Update] Shit just hit the fan! Arnco Mills rolled a 1! That noise outside? You hear another and another, everyone is awake now. When you look out the window be glad there are no clouds in the sky because you need the moonlight right now. There are half a dozen walkers at the back fence, they are knocking over trash cans. There is dog on top of a car parked in the back yard of the house behind you all. It is starting to bark and drawing them in. They have surrounded the car. Looking further off you see your worst nightmare. [url=http://artiholics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/walking-dead-horde.jpg]This horde[/url]. It is being attracted by the noise. You have lucked the fuck out with a nat 20 though, there are no walkers in your front yard yet - get the fuck out and get the fuck out now! That horde looks to go for miles!!!! and it is heading south. You might have wanted to move in the morning but this shit can't wait. Get to a vehicle by the end of your post! (Those that don't will be left behind next round.) Sharpsburg is fine, nothing is happening there. Medic goes and wakes Sam for the next watch. All is peaceful. [/hider] [hider=Attack on Eden - 7/26/18 Update] [img]https://image.ibb.co/mWvyZT/Eden2ndfloor.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=Silver]Eden[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/d0b8bdaf93b5bb945795befdc33a35e7/tumblr_mh4v11Z25M1rzl7uqo1_400.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=white]Location:[/color][/b] Eden: [color=0072bc]Hallway Past Mens Doors[/color] [b][color=white]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Survival, Pistol[/color][/center][hr] Thana looked up at Manny as she covered her ears and smirked as the homemade noise maker went off. Standing up she shrugged a bit as she checked her gun. [color=0072bc]"That's what's known as a Noxious Tornado,"[/color] she said before checking around the corner. Tornadoes, something she had a personal fear of. Not your normal fear mind you but a deathly fear. Growing up in South Georgia, tornadoes were the worst. Especially with the trailer parks that dotted HWY U.S. 19 between Albany and Leesburg. From spring to fall they would tear down the highway and hit every one of them it seemed. Sure they hit her neighborhood as well, Glendale but she lived in a house house growing up. Her mother would make pies during tornadoes. So it wasn't the fear of dying in one that got to her, it was the fear of what would happen to others because of them. From the time she was in third grad until she left she had lost a total of 15 friends. One to cancer, Chris... One died in her arms from a heart defect after gym class... Jessica.... One to suicide... Tony... The rest had died because of tornadoes. Ripping through houses and turning lives upside down. They were horrible things that left destruction and death in their paths. It was nice in an odd way to take something called a Noxious Tornado and turn its destruction towards someone she didn't care if they died, someone she wanted dead. Instead of her group. Glancing towards Beatrice she made her way around the corner and caught up with the rest that had moved ahead. Three more had been killed since her little noise maker had gone off. This was good. There had to be more though, just waiting on them. Checking the room where one was dead she moved a bit passed it and came up behind Thalia. [color=0072bc]"Got your six,"[/color] she said quietly.