The crowd cheered on in the wake of Pike's victory, a raucous celebration heard throughout, inescapable. "Yeah! Go Pike!" "That's the old captain for ya!" "Take us all the way to victory!" [color=darkslategray]"Boomboomboomboom!"[/color] The laughter of Bill drowned out all others with its impressive baritone. The man's belly jiggled as he expressed his joy and enthusiasm. [color=darkslategray]"Are ya cert'n ye can earn back yer old position based on tha' performance? Yeh've got a long way ta go an' they can still wear ya down!"[/color] Pike scowled back, choosing to ignore Bill's question in favor of simply repeating himself. [color=orangered]"Bring me my next challenger!"[/color] Bill craned his head back toward the Red Rums and Krunch Krew, picking out Feya from the gathering. [color=darkslategray]"We'll be seein' if'n yer crews can even get ta my contest, lass! Boomboomboom! But if'n ya do, I'll be glad ta take on someone wit as much... [i]Spirit.[/i]"[/color] Meanwhile, Runch produced a bowl of cherry-red cereal and handed it to Boone. [color=turquoise]"This is my special bloodberry recipe. I designed it specifically to stimulate the healing process and provide extra nutrients to the body. It looks like our beaten men, those are are still conscious anyway, could really use it."[/color] He beamed with a great smile, just happy to be able to assist. [color=orange]"I shall go retrieve your carpenter,"[/color] commented Hachirou, standing tall. Without waiting for a reply, he lumbered down the steps and approached Kite, taking great care to lift the man up without exacerbating his injuries. [color=orange]"You have great strength of will."[/color] Without another word, he carried the shipwright back to the stands and set Kite down, gently, near Feya so the doctor could perform her duties. [color=orangered]"Hurry your dirty pirate asses along!"[/color] impatiently cried out Pike. [color=orangered]"I could've stomped out another one of you in the time you're making me wait!"[/color] [hr] [color=black]"If you, uh... Say so."[/color] It was clear that Smith had absolutely no idea what Dirk was saying, and just didn't feel like getting any clarification or arguing about it. Instead he followed behind the helmsman as Dirk exited the communications tower. If they stuck along the wall as they had, then there were two directions they could go. If they followed along the right the would come across a row of ten cannons positioned so they would be shooting out to sea, and another tower on the far end beyond those. If they took the fork to the left, they would be heading back to where they originally scaled the wall, and further still the main hall of the fortress. In that direction Dirk could make out a familiar green flash in the windows: something he only saw whenever his bestest friend skullkid used that honor strike technique. [color=black]"Since you wanted to lead the way, by all means. Lead the way."[/color]