[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC4zMjYyMzcuU0dGbWNtSnFiM0p1LjEAAAAA/uncial-animals.book.png[/img][/center] [center][i]Towering Giant, Repose Until Nightfall... [/i][/center] [@Noodles][@Lyla][@13org][@Athol][@Arthanus] [hr][hr] Her response was quaint, straight to the point. This man giant couldn't help but nod, his mind began to ravel on the thought that this team was certainly an oddity. No matter, the circumstances had been placed in a way that would benefit him. And yet it all felt so surreal, so empty and lacking any substance. Why? Had the giant forgotten what joy brought when in heat of battle? Had that been robbed out of him as well in what transpired so many years ago? The thought loomed at the corners of his consciousness. Bringing the giant once more into full blown silence. It was sad, to be fair. He did not trust anyone, he couldn't trust even this youth who seemed to have lived by and for the sword. He could not trust the guild-mates, the guild-master of any of the people he was around. Yet a swelling sense of curiosity built up from the annals of his thoughts. Something he wasn't foreign to, but he couldn't depict. Looking into those eyes, the shimmering flame with danced at its reflection. This girl was... in her own form, innocent to what the world had in store. Though she understood pain, the pain was secluded in fractals of her personal life, fractals which later took form an built her future. Yet, so insanely privy, so intensely small. How many heads had this giant claimed? How many lives had he taken, as he took one final swing of his mead. Silence beget the room, and nothing more spoke out of this man. [hr] [center][i][h1][color=7ea7d8]Nightfall[/color][/h1][/i][/center] [hr] Time had finally run out, and the giant stood with arms crossed listening to what had transpired. A grunt followed at Jing's request. What utter nonsense, as if an able bodied warrior would stay still when there are obvious threats claiming a city he stayed in. This was not a means of battle for the sake of guild-presence, this was but survival at its finest. The merriment and peace had been placed to a halt and so many question began to rise. Why? A full on scale attack of this caliber to a city is beyond insane. This is not chaos for the sake of chaos, no of course it's not. Deliberately attacking human settlements, especially of great statures like this one would require more than your average sword and shields, it would require strategy and cunning. So why would they do this? For what purpose? A myriad of question arose at Hafrbjǫrn's behest. But it mattered little now. He was with three others. The new-blood Ehri, none other than the daughter of the guild-master herself, Nanami and the one who has been teaching Archery to the winner of the spoils of the last quest, Yui. [color=00a651]"Take point, huh?"[/color] He spoke to himself absent-mindedly. This would not be much trouble, if he was the one to follow, but would the guild-mates deliberately follow his command? Hafrbjǫrn didn't have much hope, after all, he was merely a stranger among strangers. Nanami and Yui knew each other, that was a fact. Ehri was a new-blood, meaning that she would just follow regardless of circumstance due to willingness of contract and station. However, Hafrbjǫrn has traveled before with these people and have found himself beyond distant from them all. Exchanging glances with each, it was evident. They did not have the slightest sense of trust towards him. Of course, trust is something that is gained. But they couldn't simply follow a man, whom they have witnessed show little, to no remorse when it comes to the seams of battle. And much less to someone who has not found it in any interest to speak or made bonds with them. And so, he pulls out his mighty axe, held upon in one hand, and rests it atop his shoulder. Like a lumberjack that he is, imposingly standing before his... comrades, he spoke with resolve. [color=00a651]"I hope I have not given you a sense to be alarmed. I was merely minding of my own devices, before. But tonight we find ourselves in the midst of combat once more. And alas, against creatures that have cognitive awareness."[/color] He continued forward, Ehri stood brightly, he spirit certainty displayed itself among that trio, an odd combination, Hafrbjǫrn had thought this before, but one of benefit indeed. [color=00a651]"I have aught thought of a time where I'd be responsible of human lives once again, not in a form where I'd be given currency, not as a service. But as comrades of the same home. And the thought frightens me, it clutches me and heralds dread onto the center of my chest. But, tonight I have been given the task and my honor would not stand intact if I were to break such by merely expediting your lives onto death. No that is not what I want, nor the indulgence I crave."[/color] He turned to his team, speaking one last time before they part. [color=00a651]"I humbly speak from the experience of a man who's steel had stained far too many man who deserved it, and far too many man that didn't. Tonight, by these axe, I will brighten our path towards victory. So I ask, with humbleness and truth, lend my your strengths and follow me into combat. And allow me to live through the incoming struggle, as I will allow the same for you."[/color] ...[color=00a651]"Onwards."[/color]