[U]Name:[/u] Macklyn Setzyr [U]Alias:[/u] The Gunslinger (on his home world) [U]Gender:[/u] Male [U]Species:[/u] Human [Hider=Appearance][Img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/e325/f/2014/332/8/3/shooting_star_1_by_silverwolfbombarda-d8800ek.jpg[/img][/hider] [U]Age:[/u] 38 [u]Equipment:[/u] [list]Twin oversized .45 Revolvers called Ebony and Ivory. [*]Ebony is a metalic black revolver with white and silver  telekinesis rune engraved upon its hilt that allows Macklyn to curve his shots from it. He claims a bullet perfectly curved from Ebony will travel in a loop for eternity and jokes he's never had the time to prove it. [*]Ivory is a metalic while revolver with a gold and black velocity rune engraved upon its hilt. Shots fired from Ivory have the unique property of slowly accelerating to the limits of the physical laws of the cosmos if given enough distance to do so. [*]Long Black duster equipped with automated ammo loaders installed beneath the cuff of each sleeve which allows Macklyn to reload Ebony and Ivory by twirling the revolvers around his trigger fingers. [/list] [u]Ship:[/u] [hider=The Lancer][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/09/95/4d/09954dd5929e8dbb2571e7e5a788fde8.jpg[/img] [/hider] The Lancer's Equipment: [list] [*]Short Range Jump Drive [*]Two wing mounted missile bays: Typical payload of 3 dumb fire missiles in each bay. [*]Two plasma fire repeater cannons: Deployable from each side of the nose that fire in alternating pattern. [*]Small cargo hold capable of storing a single ton payload. [/list] [U]Bio:[/u] Born at the edge of civilized space on a dusty unnamed planet, Macklyn Setzyr grew up fending for himself in a near lawless frontier environment. Colonists fought for control over territory and violence was a part of everyday life.  At a young age Macklyn became determined to amass enough wealth to leave his unnamed home and set out for the core planets where, as the stories told, he could live a life of peace and prosperity on his own terms.  He taught himself how to smith extraordinary frontier weapons and vehicles out of the raw and rare materials found around him and sold his works to the warring colonies with complete disregard to each of the colonies practices. As his craftsmanship grew so too did his skill with his own weapons and he gained somewhat of a reputation for being a deadly gunslinger. Time after time Macklyns rivals would attempt to assassinate him to acquire his assets and time after time Macklyn stood over a body riddled with holes. One had to learn how to fight to survive on the frontier worlds and dedication to mastering marksmanship came second only to gunsmithing in Macklyns mind.  After some time it became known: To cross Macklyn would mean certain death. Unchallenged, his war profiteering became somewhat of an enterprise and Macklyn used his relative wealth to acquire rare off planet materials and pay a rune crafter to realize his ultimate creations, Ebony and Ivory, named to symbolize his neutrality as he sees power in both the dark and the light. The time eventually came where he could afford the necessary components to finish construction of his ship, The Lancer, of which he put just as much dedication as he did his beloved firearms. He set off to reach the core worlds jumping from system to system on an agonizingly long trip. The Lancer had only a small jump drive and he'd often have to stop, take on an odd job here or there to purchase the fuel required for the next jump. Sometime's he'd simply steal the fuel if he found some unguarded and sometimes he'd take search and rescue contracts and earn an honest wage. After months of living out of his Lancer he finally approached his destination but upon reaching civilized space he found it to be completely unlike his imagination built it to be.  It was hardly different from his home planet and securing a place in society would be just as, if not more, difficult. Lamenting the fact that there was no paradise waiting over the horizon, he had no choice but to make a life for himself with the only skills he had and thus he joined the Crimson Legion hoping his combat savvy, comfort in a fighter and knowledge of frontier society would keep him employed long enough to figure out who he is and what he wants out of life. [U]Personality:[/u] When Macklyn puts his mind to something he sees it through with almost obsessive dedication. The problem is that after discovering the promises of the core worlds were fantasies, he's lost all direction in life. He's unsure what's deserving of his dedication. He's lost, looking for a purpose. To mask his identity crisis he practices being charismatic and optimistic but its a facade and when pressed his true personality shines through to reveal a rough and blunt pragmatic realist. While he puts an effort into being cooperative and loyal, he struggles to resist a potentially profitable offer. [u]Relationships:[/u] Silas: "The Bossman shoots his words from the hip as they say. Man's gotta' respect that. He speaks true an' got no time for games. Makes him bad a poker but one helluva leader." Sven: "That guy is hilarous! I don't get why everyone rolls their eyes when he cracks a joke. I admire his flying too. Come to pondrin' it though, I can't tell if Sven's got piloting in his blood or if it's some sort'a programmed reflexes. One way or 'nother I sure hope when I'm in my Lancer the two of us can find a rhythm" Gerad: "Oh yeah he's one of them Spider-Gorillas? Knew a few back home. Always cookin' under the sun, the ones I knew, but never complained about the heat either. Garad's the same and that's a good thing. I like the way he thinks. Makes sweet lemonade with rotten tomatoes and I s'pose we all aught'a take a page from his book." Cyne: "I dunno about that guy. Hard to line my irons on that one. His talent ain't nothing to underestimate at but... I dunno just... something about that twinkle in his eye when he takes down a baddie I s'pose. Bossman said we gotta trust him though, so I do, especially in a fight. Gaz: "I ain't never seen no Fungai b'fore. What a sight. Down right magnificent beast he is. I dunno but seems t' me if the heat gets hot all we gotta' do is shove a firecracker up his ass, blame the guys we aim t' kill and Gaz will take care of the rest. Plus you know I gotta respect that gear of his. I know he wasn't over burdened with an abundance of education so how does it work so well? It just does... Is it weird to think of it as art?" [Hider]1. Listen to the GM(s), If you have a complaint tell me. I am not an evil dictator and if I am wrong I will admit it. 2. Romance and Gore allowed, But keep it in good taste and in site rules 3. Now not all characters will play nice with each other I understand that, but keep the disputes in the RP not in OOC 4. Be civilized and polite please 5. All basic RP rules apply to this roleplay: Power playing, Meta gaming, and others are not allowed. 6. The story isn't exactly set, If you have an idea for a mission feel free to pm me the details and I'll try to work it in. 7. Copy the rules into a Hider in the "other" of your cs so I know you read them. 8. Get into your character's skin become him or her as you are playing have fun and give us insight into their thoughts. 9. Try to keep active, in both the IC and OOC pages please. And even if you don't have anything to say, at least read the OOC[/hider]